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Introducing RTMGS.CO - Our URL Shortener


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Introducing RTMGS.CO

Our URL Shortener

While I was working on the new databases for Retromags 2.0, I came up with an idea......a URL shortening service. The video game magazine database will be over 10,000 records when it is rolled out. Now what if you could refer people to individual records via a very easy to remember naming scheme? Rather than direct users to....


What if we had a unique alias for each record? Something like.....


It would not matter where you were on the internet, you would always have an easy way to remember aliases to the video game magazine records back here at Retromags. So the other day I bought the domain http://rtmgs.com and have set it up as a private alias website. So why tell you guys if I have it set up so that only I can use it? Well because I also purchased http://rtmgs.co and have configured that website as a public URL shortening service. You can now use rtmgs.co just as you would use bit.ly or TinyURL. Feel free to shorten links via our new service and use them out there on the web :)

Go Shrink Some Links!

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