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Looking for Posters


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Hi everybody,

I'm new here and I was searching my ass off for somebody that has scanned posters from different gaming magazines.

I couldn't find any information regarding this, but maybe I just suck using the search function. Or maybe this isn't the right forum.


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About the only thing I know is the posters from Nintendo Power magazine got scanned in with the rest of the magazine when possible, so if the scanner of the issue had the poster it was included. That's about as close as I can get for you at the moment. :)

Sorry for the lack of reply, I hadn't noticed this topic before now. :)


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  • 3 weeks later...

Most posters that I got from the old GamePro and EGM are also hella huge. Dunno if there are scanners out there that can scan them, so maybe that's the reason why you don't really see much scanned posters out there.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi, I have a lot of posters on hand, which ones do you need?

Ocarina of Time Poster Sized

Hyrule Overworld Lore Poster

Most poster scans are really rough around the edges and HUGE (if done right, I scan at 600DPI+) so just taking the raw scan won't yeild a good poster unless you're pretty handy with Photoshop. Posters are what I do, so if you have any retro game poster questions I'm the Geektress to ask.

Cheers :D -7

my retro-game poster web site: 7hunters.com

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi everybody,

I'm new here and I was searching my ass off for somebody that has scanned posters from different gaming magazines.

I couldn't find any information regarding this, but maybe I just suck using the search function. Or maybe this isn't the right forum.


he there

Software is called RonyaSoft Poster Printer and is used to print large format posters,

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You don't need special software to print a poster actually...any software will do even GIMP or what have you...

See when you install the driver for the printer you get everything you need, you have to go into Printer Properties at time of printing. I usually have to change my settings from CM to Inches. The cruxt is having your file at 300 - 600 DPI (dots per inch - 600 is a lot but it's what you need to pull a good print). So you have to have a HUGE beautiful file that's ready for printing and a big plotter / printer to print from. I have a big HP plotter that was about $2,000. Each ink cart costs me about $40 each. Generics are about $20. I am now stocking generics encase I run out because it takes forever to get my ink from B&H.

You have to be good with machines in a way because the printer is pretty finicky and it took me a couple of months to learn all its eccentric ways so we would have a good relationship.

Some of my files I max out at 2gb in Photoshop. Poster files are B I G - that's why it's hard to find good posters for free online.

I do requests if you need something large printed. Sometimes people have requests for box art, or a page from a players guide or Nintendo Power Magazine....they send me the item in the mail, I scan it, make the poster file, print it and ship both their original and the new poster back. If it's something I can resell I don't even charge. ( I don't print art from Deviant Art etc. that doesn't belong to me, original modern illustrations, or for games that are not retro like Assassin's Creed - I just do vintage.....if you have permission from the artist then that would be okay, but I don't want to step on someone's toes or violate copyright any worse then I am.)

I love to talk shop about printing, particularly posters since it's what I do ( that and game design - but game work takes a long time before you can show what you've done! But I'm making sprites and illustrations for a game that will be out in 2014 at the moment...).

I would really like to hear what posters everyone would like to see restored or created fresh. I have a game library and try think what I want in it and I ask my friends etc. but would love to have more ideas!!!

And a big THANK YOU to Retromags because for someone like me who restores and researches it's an amazing assett. If I can ever be of help let me know.

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Hey, I was wondering - this forum seems to have a lot of retro gaming magazine resources. Did any other gaming magazine besides Nintendo Power have fold out posters? Or maybe even decent art that could be collaged into a poster? Looking for the collectible franchises like Dragon Quest (Warrior) etc. I'll try to download more of your mags today and take a look. I have bad download speeds at the office thanks to them not running cable to the back of the building and wanting $100 a month to do so - I'm just on a tethered phone for now. Maybe someday I'll spring for $100 a month Internet bill.

Cheers everyone! Thanks for letting me come to your forum, I know I'm a little off topic.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm trying to find the posters from Versus Books, are those player guides for download on the site? I know it's undergoing Database construction, so didn't know if they were up somewhere or going to be etc. :D I really want the poster for Final Fantasy VII -- too awesome.

Also based on the Gamepro feedback I ordered a couple of posters of theirs from eBay and they should be in shortly :D Good time. I don't know why I'm so into posters and not illustrating kittens or something. Odd hobby I guess.

Cheers everyone!

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  • 3 years later...

Could always scan them in parts, then photoshop them back together. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

We in fact do as a general rule scan most posters included with mags. I know Eday has and I have. They are generally included in the scan. Unfortunaty we at this time don't track which ones have posters anywhere. Though on stuff I scan on the new release post I always try to make a note of it.

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Speaking of which...

Is there a gallery of That type of posters?  From the actual video game booklet foldouts?


Of course the problem with giant posters is that our image resolution size for gallery pics is restricted, so a giant fold-out poster than might be the size of 6 magazine pages would have to be reduced to the same size as a single page when uploaded to our image gallery.  I've not personally scanned a poster that was bigger than two pages, but when stitched together and viewed on a computer, whether in the gallery or a CBR reader (assuming you view files at a set height), it doesn't look much different from a single page, really.  The grandeur is lost.

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