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Add Your Wii U User Name

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There are finally no Friends Codes with the Wii U. However, the problem is that if you send a request to someone to add you to their friends list, they do not get a notification.

So for those of you who have a Wii U, why not add yours here, and then people can let you know when they've sent you a request?

Mine is Ferkner.

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  • 3 months later...

I have one but like the 3DS it won't let me online unless I update. Something I don't really care for after dealing with so much PS3 nonsense. And because I only have 2 games it hasn't been on since I finished Skyward Sword and Nin Land. Oh wait, I might have played Kirby too. In any case if I can add friends the next time I use it I'll try to remember this post.

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Enh, when I boot a console I'm ready to play a game, not sit through an hour long DL. Sony started removing things, I couldn't care much less about new features since I only use the gaming part of a console (and not even the VC as I still have all my old carts and platforms), and there's always the outside chance of something bricking. I don't think I've ever updated the U, maybe the 3DS once, was offline on PS3 for about a year when they messed with the Linux models, my PSP is still on 1.50 and hasn't been used since games stopped working, and the Vita also maybe once.

I wish they would limit those useless things to once or twice a year. It would give them time to offer an actual change instead of nothing and call it a stability update.

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  • 5 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Heh, I just started playing Mario U and I still haven't bothered to update. Actually the game refused to start until I updated so instead I deleted my connection and the game let me start without it. My Vita is offline too because of damned updates. Why can't they just stop...

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That's what they both say, but I've yet to see anything good. PS3 has actually gotten a bit worse because of it. The 'new' PSN shop sucks and everyone knows about the lost features. These need to be made optional. I mean the 3DS never asks me to update when the wifi is off.

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  • 5 months later...
  • 4 months later...

I just got my Wii U the other day as a Birthday present. :-) I got the Black 32GB, Super Mario 3D World and Nintendo Land Bundle. Pretty sweet, those games are so much fun. Super Mario 3D World is like a combination of Super Mario Bros. 3 (NES) and Super Mario World (SNES). Think I'll pick up The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD soon.

I don't mind going online. It was a bummer downloading the big update when I first hooked up my system. But I need my game demos and Virtual Console games! My Nintendo Network ID is ctophil555.

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Yeah, for some reason the Wii U I got had like Software Version 1 on there, and they are up to Version 5 now. So I had to update in order to do anything. I assume that Nintendo keeps the same protocols (such as software versions) when manufacturing new consoles since launch date. From what I understand, hardware manufacturers only change software versions when they do a revision of the console's hardware (like when introducing a new model #). I'm familiar with this due to repairing consoles for the past 15 years.

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  • 1 year later...

Lol. I still haven't updated anything. I've since finished a couple more games including Kart 8, not going online once. What I occasionally wonder is when I get around to playing Smash or Splatoon how much content will I end up skipping because it wasn't on the original disc.

Of course someone will wonder why and it's because I don't like to pay for DLC. Oh it's free? Then I probably don't have the extra time. Fact is I have a stack of unplayed games for PS3, PS4, Wii, Wii U, DS, 3DS, and Vita. DLC has been keeping my completion percentage a lot lower than it should be. When given the choice of paying for DLC to stick with a game for a few more days, or going to choose something new, I tend to go with option B.

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