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Is the Gaming Industry Crashing?


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The industry as it is now is already too big to sotally crash. It wasn't like before when there was too many consoles and too many mediocre games among too little consumers.

What I think will crash however is the whole AAA games concept. Publishers will realize that soon, the expense of making a AAA game will be too much for a game to fail so they'll settle for safe bets which, in turn, will turn off the gamers. Indie or mid-tier games will flourish.

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  • 2 months later...

I've had this discussion before and I'm leaning to the 'yes' side of maybe. In other words probably. Innovation is lacking because few want to take chances on a game that won't sell. Whose fault is that? The company for overspending or overestimating sales? Or is it our fault for not buying these unique games? Or is it some middle ground where most people just don't have the money to buy all the games they want to play? I recall seeing Square saying TR and Hitman were failures for not selling several extra million, that to me makes no sense because they sold well and had favorable reviews. As for buying habits I do support many unusual games but I tend to wait for sales so that I can enjoy the more mainstream stuff as well. With my backlog I've plenty of games to hold me over until a title hits $30. That's how I can get all I want and support as much as I can.

Then to top it off we have these awful phones and tablets with collections of cheaply priced pitiful games that will create a scenario like we had way back when. I don't support that market. Let's just hope that Sony and Nin continue to focus on games and limit the non-gaming fluff. That will keep things afloat longer. As someone said though it may be a necessary thing so companies can learn to control spending and find a place for innovation.

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