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Onimusha PSX version - english magazine scans


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According to Gamespot Capcom officialy announced game in April 1999 and Japan release date was planned for Winter 1999. Name of the game was Onimusha: Demon Warrior. I manage to find one page prescreen in EDGE. I havent played PS2 Onimusha but according to article, plot is same as in released version. Engine is Resident Evil 2 engine and its stated that in Japanese launch preview only one level was available. Accordning to EDGE release date for game was Christmas (Japan). According to wikipedia: The PS1 version of Onimusha was about 50% complete before it was cancelled.

Here is link to "rumor"about Onimusha switching to PS2.

At Tokyo Game Show 1999. Capcom offical announcedthat Onimusha became PlayStation 2 videogame. Tentative release date was summer 2000. Here are more info from IGN.

Here is something important: Capcom on that TGS released 3 videos of PSX version: Intro CG, Battle montage and Puzzles and battles. I cant find this videos only. According to GIA: Of particular interest is the introduction movie, highlighting some of the most realistic human figures ever seen in computer-generated FMV.

I managed to find E3 2000. Onimusha and Dino Crisis 2 video.

Here is information about game from GIA. They is some wrong info that Onimusha started as N64 game which is false. There is also info about first videos of Onimusha on Japanese TV from February 2000.

Users from HG101 and Assembler Games forum have uploaded more scans from Japanese and French magazines with information about game and here are links:

Denkegi PlayStation June 1999

Do you have more informations, scans or videos about game?

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