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Xbox One or Playstation 4


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  1. 1. Which do you plan to buy first?

    • Xbox One
    • Playstation 4
    • Neither

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As I said in previous posts, I will get the PS4 first for the principle of it, but not at launch. The price is also better when it comes to a new console than Xbox One. I do need a killer app though before buying any of the next-gen consoles. But from the way it looks, I would rather get a Wii U at this point. As usual, it's the cheapest, and I'm a Mario and Zelda fan. :-)

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I will bypass both consoles and stick with the PC unless something remarkable mandates purchasing a new console but I have to say I view Microsoft's draconian DRM moves around games, second hand sales, always on or games won't play etc as a massive incentive to go PS4 IF I ever felt inclined to get a new console. The price is a wash due to the fact you have to buy the Move camera separately which negates almost all the price differential.

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I have a U and will likely get a PS4. I don't know if that will be at launch or later, depending how much of this backlog I get through and any launch sales/deals I find at that time. Obviously the One is an outright 'no go'. Never been impressed with M$ anyhow.

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  • Retromags Curator

I was initially wxcited about the Xbone, but not so much now. The policies of the PS4 are far better, but I'm not a Playstation fan. If I had to pick one right now, it would probably be the PS4 based on price.

I already own a Wii U, and there is more than enough for me to play on there, so I will probably skip both completely.

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I already own a Wii U, and there is more than enough for me to play on there, so I will probably skip both completely.


There's only one game worth owning and that's Super Mario Bros U as far I am concerned. That's an expensive game if you factor the console cost into it. Nintendo really dropped the ball where the Wii U is concerned. It needed a high profile game like Mario Kart at the very least on day one but there's still no sign of tier one games being available any time soon. In my books the last decent console they made was the N64. Everything else has been repeats although Mario Galaxy on Wii far and away beats Mario Sunshine. Add to that the negativity by 3rd party developers and it doesn't bode well for the longer term when you factor the PS4 into it. Come Xmas time the sales numbers may tell an interesting story.

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  • Retromags Curator

Yes, really. There is Super Mario Bros. U, but there is also Nintendoland, which I really enjoy, Scribblenauts Unlimited., Little Inferno, and Assassin's Creed III. And that's only what is already out. There are a bunch of games coming out this year that I am really interested in. So yes, there is enough for me to play on the Wii U. Add to that the 3DS and the never ending stream of games on that console, and I can't even keep up with it all.

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That's good then. Little Inferno and Assassin's Creed are available on other devices however so you couldn't really put them in the same basket as Nintendo created content, or that the Wii U offers a more compelling platform to play them than another console/PC etc. Don't get me wrong, I have a Wii myself, but to be honest it hasn't been turned on in over two years now so I see nothing in the current or incoming titles that tells me I NEED to buy a Wii U.

The 3DS is a whole different story as it can play NDS titles which gives it a huge backlog of content that can be played. Nintendo own the handheld gaming space. Sony's efforts may be technically great but content hasn't materialized like it has on the NDS. I have one of the older NDS consoles and my daughter uses it for Pokémon. Ugh!!! But I bought it purely for Mario Kart DS which is brilliant and Super Mario 64 DS is also pretty nice. And that's the problem I have with the Wii U. The games I like can be played on the bus or in the car with the NDS so I'd rather put money on upgrading to the 3DS XL than on a Wii U.

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  • Retromags Curator

True, but those games are still available on the Wii U, so they count as something to play. I forgot to mention Lego City Undercover as well. I don't know how I missed that one, because it's really a ton of fun.

And today I pre-ordered 7 Wii U games (and 2 3DS games), so the Wii U definitely has enough to keep me busy :)

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Hey I bought my U and only have 2 - Mario and Nin Land. It's a good start. Thing is as Nin fans we understand that they are traditionally slow to get their games out there. But, they WILL come eventually and that's what I'm ready for. I haven't grown tired of their games yet. They change just enough to keep things from getting stale yet without removing the classic gameplay we want. Ok, so maybe between the handhelds and consoles we got one too many 2D adventures (although it's the only place to find them it seems) however my solution to that is to space them out. I just finished NSMB2 on 3DS so maybe I'll play SMBU over the winter. Then the new 3D Land along with Luigi U sometime after that.

We're getting a new Kart, new Smash, new DK. Eventually a new Zelda. Who knows what else hasn't been revealed yet. I'd love a new F-Zero, Starfox, Startropics, or 2D Metroid. Nin has a ton of franchises to choose from. They won't bore me, I just need to wait for them to deliver. Lastly as fans we know we buy Nin hardware for Nin games. Third party stuff is merely a bonus.

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They won't bore me, I just need to wait for them to deliver.

And that's their problem. They knew the new competing consoles were not far behind, more powerful and arguably better value for money if you factor in Blu-ray support etc and yet they haven't stepped up and delivered games before the new consoles arrive to at least give themselves a chance of competing. I like the Wii and I have been a fan of Nintendo since the N64 (I bypassed the PSX completely in favor of the N64) but the Wii U has left me underwhelmed to be honest. I hope it doesn't break them but they do have their handheld division to fall back on and which has done them well even with the 3DS slow start .... again ...

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Games take time. I'd rather they come slowly than be broken or not come at all. Plus like you said they have 2 platforms to support. I've had their platforms since the NES (only skipping a few of the middle GB lines). Nin does their own thing and doesn't worry about what everyone else does. That's fine. I don't want movie support or all that non-gaming nonsense. HD wasn't that big a deal so I kept playing Wii. They're fine being a secondary system so let Sony and M$ fight.

Sure there should be more for the U. Rayman was due out a while ago. Several games I already played on PS3. But since the backlog for my other consoles is so large it's not exactly a problem for the U to move slowly. Kinda thankful more games aren't piling up. 3DS had a slow start too, look how that turned out. I wouldn't worry.

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Most of Nin's big titles always move decent amounts of units. And provided there aren't any major delays then yeah this fall/winter is going to be good. Of course I'll still have all the PS3's newest releases to finish and I'll see how long I can avoid getting a PS4. Throw some handhelds games on top of those... It's like a freaking full time job.

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Although Microsoft has changed their used games policies, I am not changing my decision to get the Wii U and PS4 first. Microsoft had it coming by taking away our freedom for exchanging of used games. They only changed their minds due to people's outcries, and all the folks who (even Xbox fans) jumped onto the PS4 bandwagon. Read my post here: http://community.retromags.com/topic/9412-xbox-one-announcement/#entry38950

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