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Upcoming interview with Dan Amrich


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After reading Dan Amrich's book, "Critical Path: How to Review Videogames for a Living ", I contacted him with a couple of questions, to which he replied. I then asked if he would be willing to do an interview for this site, and he agreed.

For those who do not know, Dan Amrich is the current community manager at Activision, and was an editor at GamePro for 7 years, as well as editor at Official Xbox Magazine, World of Warcraft: The Official Magazine, GamesRadar, among other places.

So if you have any questions on his career, the magazine making process, or anything else relevant, post them here and I will compile them and send them to Dan.

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Here are some questions:

1. Do you think video game print magazines will ever make a come back in the future, or is it a lost cause?

2. In your opinion, why do you think print magazines have to die altogether? Why can't print co-exist with digital to complement each other?

3. As a hobby, would you rather read about video games via print, digital, or both? And why?

4. As an editor for various video game magazines in the past, would you be passionate enough to launch your own magazine and bring back a long-time favorite magazine such as Gamepro or even Nintendo Power?

5. What prompted you to change career choices from being an editor to working at Activision?

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How about:

Q. Activision released games like Battlezone/ Battlezone II to universal acclaim from reviewers yet they both become known as some of the best games never played. Do you think marketing was the cause of their sales problems or was it the nature of the games themselves? Do you think the sales results have made Activision more hesitant towards producing non-mainstream game types as a result?

Q. Companies like Future PLC release digital magazine content which customers pay for only to later drop the magazine and state that if you require to reset your iPad the app may no longer be available and any content a person has paid for may be lost. Doesn't it seem like, as per any other DRM based media that the paying consumer is being treated worse than people obtaining content illegally?

Q. Do you think that there should be some onus on companies closing down digital magazines to do the right thing by their customers to ensure they can continue to retain items they have purchased?

Q. Will there ever be a Battlezone III? :mellow:

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