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Kickstarter for RETRO Magazine


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I wasn't sure where this belongs, but I was browsing Kickstarter and noticed a new campaign to create a "multi-format, throwback video game magazine." I promise this isn't spam or an advertisement for their campaign. I thought it looked interesting, seeing as it involves a couple editors that I recognized from past magazines. I thought you guys might be interested in the project. The link is: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/socalmike/retro-the-multi-format-throw-back-video-game-magaz. Do you think it will reach its funding goal? Do you think that even if funding is met that it will be a viable long-term magazine?

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Neat idea. The video doesn't work though.

The thing that sucks about mags is I want printed versions to get away from the screen for a while. Yet print is getting rarer due to costs. Dunno how I'd feel subbing to a digital mag. Right now I'm down to Game Informer which was my least favorite when I was also getting NP and PTOM.

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I ended-up subscribing to Edge, even though it's more pricey than US publications and takes two to three weeks to be delivered. So far it seems to be worth the price as it is printed on quality paper, has nice graphic design, and decent writing. I personally just prefer having a physical mag to flip through rather than a digital reproduction. It's interesting though, Future seems to be making some special print issues quarterly now. I picked up a PS4 preview magazine and a GTA 5 special magazine the other day, both published by Future and marked as Fall 2013 - they had published Halo focused issues previously as well.

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There´s already a UK magazine devoted to multiplatform retro games called Retro Gamer Magazine, http://www.retrogamer.net/, I´ve bought a couple of issues and they have some pretty good articles detailing the development of classic titles like Super Metroid and the birth (and sometimes death) of classic developers like Electronic Arts, since the magazine has been around for years now there´s clearly a market for it, I´m thinking of getting a subscription myself.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hmm, looks like a pretty cool magazine, combining retro and modern gaming. Print magazines are so scarce these days, I'm willing to take a dive just to support print, especially something that has retro gaming in it! In the US, there are NO retro print magazines. So this is a great opportunity. Thanks for the heads up.

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I get Retro Gamer on my iPad via Pixelmags Readr application. I pay $13NZ per month and get to read all that mags back issues along with the latest of Hyper, PC Powerplay, X-360 (now renamed X-One), Play tm and Games tm. Add to that Custom PC and several other titles and it's a decent amount of reading for one small monthly fee. The print version of Retro Gamer is $23NZ per month by itself so it's a good deal where I am.

For that price I am happy to give print copies the cold shoulder. That's also why I debind my mags when I scan them. So I can chuck them in the recycling bin.

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