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what plans are in place to prevent another megaupload disaster?


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So when megaupload got taken down, it was a disaster for this website and took forever to get all the magazines backup. Now hotfile has been taken down by the feds, luckily were okay. So what plans are in place to prevent another disaster if rapidshare gets taken down by the feds next? Its just a matter of time before people use rapidshare to store tons of pirated material and the feds find out.

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  • Retromags Curator

Apart from going through the pain of uploading to various storage lockers, there is nothing we can really do to avoid that happening. We've set things up in a way that will allow other members to upload the issues t other storage lockers and add the link to the magazine page. Apart from that and having everything on the newsgroups, and maybe a torrent in the future, there isn't much we can do short of a private server. But that has it's own problems.

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  • Retromags Curator

Just as E-Day said, without our own dedicated server......there will always be a chance of us getting screwed over. The issue is that a dedicated server for Retromags would cost us around $140-$170 per month.


When we were allowing the scans to be downloaded from Retromags, we were eating up around 120GB of storage and 1TB of bandwidth per month. The reason why it took soo long to get everything back up, is because we created a completely new system from scratch. This required going out and finding trust worthy people that were familiar with this software, and could perform the tasks I needed done. That brings us to the next issue, which was......neither E-day or I had all 1100 downloads on either of our computers. So we had to hunt down missing files (and still are).

Anyways the short story is.....

We now have a database which can be customized to our hearts content. Since it is a database, it can have data manipulation performed on it with ease. The old system we had to manually enter download links. With the database, I can import hundreds of download links in mere seconds!

Our database will have 5 download options

  • An Official Download Link (from E-Day or I)
  • An Official Newsgroup Link (as quicker way to download)
  • And 3 User Provided Download links (for redundancy)

Once we have all the files in our possession, I will also be putting out a massive set of torrents that will cover anything released from 2006-2013. Then each year I will put out a yearly torrent that contains everything from that year.

This way, we are never 100% dead in the water again.

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