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Magazine Database - Enabling Tagging?


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  • Retromags Curator

I see that many of our members that are contributing to the Magazine Database have put in "Systems Covered" to the synopsis of the magazine records. I am thinking that maybe if I enable tagging of the records, that this would be easier to join similar magazines together. Basically rather than just text that says "Super Nintendo" you would have a tag that read "Super Nintendo" and when you clicked on it, it would bring up any other magazine records that were tagged the same way.


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  • Retromags Curator

The best place to look for stuff like that would be the Nintendo Fun Club newsletters. There's this weird gap from late 1985 until 1988 where magazine information on the NES and its games basically doesn't exist. Lots of computer-themed magazines exist from this period, but after the crash, there aren't many people really writing about home console games exclusively for magazines. It's not until the NES proves itself a success and Nintendo Power comes on the scene that we start seeing video game mags really start taking off (at least in the US), but by that time the NES has been out for three years.

Japanese magazines from that period are a great resource, but of course there's that language barrier... :)


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