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Retromags File Auditing Program


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  • Retromags Curator

In the very near future, Retromags will be launching our own file auditing program. What will it do? Well it will make managing the Retromags collection much easier for everyone. Each magazine we release has a digital fingerprint, we will be using that digital fingerprint to scan a folder of magazines and strategy guides.....and rename and organize them accordingly. It will also generate the following lists....

  • Have List
  • Missing List
  • Unknown List

The program will be very customizable, you will be able to choose whether you wish to rename and organize your collection, or just generate lists of what you are missing. I will integrate this with our new databases, which means each night it will generate a new data file based on magazines that have been scanned. There will be a hidden field that E-Day and myself can update on each release. This program will know to reach out to Retromags to grab the newest data file for checking file integrity and how complete your collection is.


PS - Yes, you will be able to choose just magazines from your country of choice!

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  • Retromags Curator

Just thinking out loud, the data file should probably contain the following....

  • official filename
  • origin country
  • publication name
  • checksum

So then you end up with.....

nintendo_power_131_-_2000_apr.cbr,USA,Nintendo Power,91237BBBDCBB9DAB6580941EBF2DDA91
nintendo_power_132_-_2000_may.cbr,USA,Nintendo Power,BD2A46FA1530973BE85932977B56CE15
nintendo_power_133_-_2000_jun.cbr,USA,Nintendo Power,CC8AC834C1A4703B6A3AD017300E36D7

When a matching checksum is found, it knows to rename the file and drop it into a folder.....



|____Nintendo Power

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  • 1 month later...
  • Retromags Curator

Is including scans from outside of Retromags within the scope of this? Something akin to a ROM manager for game magazines?

Probably not, just due to the sheer number of scans out there. I mean I could "technically" create a new database where users could add information on other scans (name, publisher, country, md5 checksum) and the program could work off of that. But that would probably confuse things, as people would come here looking for magazines scanned by other sites.....just because we had them in our data file.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • Retromags Curator

Getting very close to the first release! Just adding some error checking to the release before we go live. Yes, that is showing invalid directories in red, and valid ones in green :)


And Stat tracking.....This will show how many releases are on Retromags versus how many are on your hard drive. You will get a Have and Missing list generated after running this program.


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  • 1 year later...
  • Retromags Curator

I let this fall off my radar for too long. Started to do the last bit of coding on this project. Yesterday I coded this program to check online if there is a newer version available. So basically when the program is launched it checks online to see what the newest version is. If it is not the most current version it will prompt you to come back to Retromags and update. If you choose not to update, you can ignore the message for 30 days before being prompted again. If you are running the most current version the version number is green in the corner, if you are out of date that number turns red and if you click on the number it will bring you to the Download section to grab a new copy.

I am also programming in settings that remain after the program is closed. This tool will remember the starting and ending directory from the last time you used this program. It will also remember the screen position you had the program in last.

Soon I will send out a call for beta testers :)


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  • 3 years later...

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