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Bringing the Retromags Collection home in 2015


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Happy New Years 2015!

Bring the collection home campaign

Retromags would like to wish everyone a Happy New Years for the upcoming 2015 year. This year will mark our 10th anniversary since starting Retromags. Over the past year we have brought to life a magazine database with over 12,000 records and a video game database with over 11,000 records. We are expanding our reach to become the number 1 source on the Internet for video game magazine information and preserved magazines. Retromags has well over 1100 magazines for download and as such we have come to realize that outside solutions like MegaUpload, RapidShare and FileFactory are no longer going to cut it.

We simply can not keep putting our faith in other companies to provide you guys with methods to download our releases. Search our forums and the number one complaint is about downloading our releases. MegaUpload was shut down without warning, Rapidshare changed their terms of service, and FileFactory resorts to underhanded tricks to make you become a paying member! I hate it, you hate it, LETS CHANGE IT! I believe it is time to bring the Retromags collection HOME, where WE have control. The solution is to take us to a dedicated server where we would have 1 Terabyte of storage space and 5 Terabytes of monthly downloads.

The only downside to moving to a dedicated server would be the cost. We would need to raise approximately $149 per month. The discounted yearly cost is $1400, which means we would need to find 100 members to donate $14 or more. To anyone who donates at least $14 towards this goal, I will put you into a group that is free from download restrictions* for this entire year. Anyone who donates at least $30, you will not have download restrictions* for as long as we have a dedicated server.

-= Dedicated Server Donation Link =-


While on the subject of upcoming changes, I am proud to announce that we will soon have a Retromags Collection Tool. With a collection as big as ours, wouldn't it be great to have a program to scan through a folder of video game magazines/strategy guides and tell you which magazines from our collection you are missing? What if it could automatically rename and organize them into a nice folder structure? This program will work off of our newly created databases and will ensure that you never miss a release!

Lots of changes coming for 2015, lets make this the best year yet!

*unless we get near the 5 Terabyte limit (unlikely, and we can upgrade to 10TB)

Update 1/25/2015 7:15PM Eastern USA

97% Funded

Only $36 away from our goal!

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