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A remake you would love to see?


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It would be interesting to see the old Donkey Kong games updated with the newer graphics. I know they would never do this though. I do miss the older games. I would actually love to see a conker's bad fur day remake. I remember laughing at that game. It made no sense but I enjoyed it.

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"The Guardian Legend" on the NES deserves a remake/update, first and foremost in my mind. That's not going to happen, because nobody has a clue who currently owns the rights to the franchise, but we can dream, can't we?

"Clock Tower" is a massively underrated horror series from the SNES/PS1 era, but it's getting a spiritual successor in the form of 'NightCry' for the PS Vita, iOS and Android platforms:


Seriously, look at the talent behind this game! Masahiro Ito from Silent Hill, Hifumi Kono from the original two Clock Tower games, and Takashi Shimizu who wrote and directed the first "Ju-On" film. I've never wanted a Vita more than I do now. :)


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Hm, I would say Actraiser for SNES. Phew, that game was awesome. What's better than a superb side-scrolling game with a God-simulation built-in and with fantastic graphics, music, and gameplay? It would play amazingly well on a modern console like PS3 or Xbox 360. They did it for DuckTales. So, I say why not?

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Hey everyone,

You know, I believe that if more companies focus on remakes of retro games, they would make a lot of money. The recent success of the DuckTales remake is proof that retro games can make quite the splash. However, just like any game, a remake has to be well developed with the proper care in all departments, i.e. graphics, sound, characters, gameplay, story, and so forth. Don't be like the Golden Axe remake (Golden Axe: Beast Rider) that barely got out of the market. Of course, you also got ten thousand versions of Tetris and Pac-Man. Those aren't really remakes, but are just different variations of the same game. I guess you can count a few Pac-Man titles that are remakes with enhanced graphics, gameplay, and sound. Resident Evil HD and Killer Instinct were also recent remakes that really hit the bar.

Here is a more complete list of games I want to be remade for current gen consoles.

1. Final Fantasy VI - I would buy this one in a heartbeat. lol. My favorite RPG needs a facelift, but not in 3D. It should stay in 2D but with modern graphics, music, and perhaps some vocals for the songs. They should also add some storyline elements to enhance the characters' development even more. Sure, they have released the game on various platforms over the years. However, it never received a full remake.

2. Golden Axe - I want to see a real remake of this game. I even formed a development team back in the day to make this happen. But of course, I ran out of steam, since the team was not as dedicated and money was an issue. It should be upgraded to 2.5D graphics similar to the arcade sequel, Golden Axe: The Revenge of Death Adder. I would like to also see a bigger selection of characters and even hidden characters like in the Mortal Kombat series. I know it's not a fighting game, but it should have similar attributes. Which reminds me, though Golden Axe was a fun game, it should also have more moves and magic. With modern machines, 4-player coop via local and online would be great.

3. Streets of Rage - Another Sega classic that needs a huge facelift. Although there is a homebrew game in development right now called Project Y that is very similar to Streets of Rage, I would rather Sega do it correctly and call it Streets of Rage HD or something. Similar to Golden Axe, more characters, moves, and items you can pick up to bash your enemies would all be a plus for this remake. The music could use a modern remix of sorts, but keep the MIDI sounds if possible.

4. Actraiser - Oh yeah, this game was one of my very favorite SNES titles. It was a fantastic side-scroller with a very fun town-building simulator. It would be so awesome to play this in HD on say the Xbox 360 or PS3. And then, what better than a fully orchestrated upgraded soundtrack? I love that game and deserves a remake more than any other game in my opinion.

5. Metroid - Well, Super Metroid is a lot better game, but perhaps it shouldn't be remade. I think that it's a perfect game that can't be any better other than graphics. But the original Metroid should be remade with some tweaks in all departments. Don't get me wrong, Metroid was a good game in itself. But it would be an even better game if done right.

6. Soul Blazer - This game is on par with the fantastic Actraiser in every way. Everything from the cool bosses to the great top-down RPG action, the game is a masterpiece. Don't change anything, just enhance every aspect of it.

7. Super Mario Bros - This was the game that started the revolution of Nintendo and dawn of a new era of video games after the game industry crash in the 1980s. Sure, it was sort of remade in Super Mario All-Stars. But, it was just graphics & sound enhancements. Nintendo needs to bring back Super Mario Bros. with new enemies, levels, bosses, and modern 64-bit 2D graphics for its 30 year anniversary since the game's release date in Japan of September 13, 1985, which would mark 30 years if Nintendo releases it this year as a remake for the Wii U. I bet if I was on Nintendo's Board of Directors, it would be released.

8. Bonk's Adventure - The only other game mascot that deserves great fan recognition other than Mario. Did I forget Sonic? No, but I didn't like the Sonic games as much. And I'm sure Sonic fans would throw a fit at me. But I digress. Bonk's Adventure was a very a fun game, right up there with the original Super Mario Bros. So, it deserves every bit of a facelift for the modern generation. People need a taste of what classic gaming is all about with their next-gen fanciness, such as bigger levels, awesome new enemies/bosses, and souped up graphics & sound.

That's all I can think of right now.

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  On 2/18/2015 at 11:14 PM, ctophil said:

Super Mario Bros - This was the game that started the revolution of Nintendo and dawn of a new era of video games after the game industry crash in the 1980s. Sure, it was sort of remade in Super Mario All-Stars. But, it was just graphics & sound enhancements. Nintendo needs to bring back Super Mario Bros. with new enemies, levels, bosses, and modern 64-bit 2D graphics for its 30 year anniversary since the game's release date in Japan of September 13, 1985, which would mark 30 years if Nintendo releases it this year as a remake for the Wii U. I bet if I was on Nintendo's Board of Directors, it would be released.

along this line, i would buy the hell out of a Legend of Zelda game that plays exactly like the original. same graphics, same sound. new levels. new items (hookshot maybe?), new enemies. i would buy an endless number of levels if it kept delivering more DLC.

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  • Retromags Curator

5. Metroid - Well, Super Metroid is a lot better game, but perhaps it shouldn't be remade. I think that it's a perfect game that can't be any better other than graphics. But the original Metroid should be remade with some tweaks in all departments. Don't get me wrong, Metroid was a good game in itself. But it would be an even better game if done right.

Nintendo did this with Metroid: Zero Mission on the GBA back in 2004. It's essentially the original Metroid, with some added bonuses, that looks, plays and feels like Super Metroid. If you haven't played this, it's WELL worth tracking down along with Metroid Fusion also for the GBA. :)



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  On 2/19/2015 at 8:11 AM, twiztor said:

along this line, i would buy the hell out of a Legend of Zelda game that plays exactly like the original. same graphics, same sound. new levels. new items (hookshot maybe?), new enemies. i would buy an endless number of levels if it kept delivering more DLC.

Oh yeah, I agree with that. I left out The Legend of Zelda on purpose because it's actually a fantastic game by itself without a remake. But you know, if they re-released it with some enhancements, I'll still buy the original Zelda.

  On 2/20/2015 at 9:48 PM, Areala said:

Nintendo did this with Metroid: Zero Mission on the GBA back in 2004. It's essentially the original Metroid, with some added bonuses, that looks, plays and feels like Super Metroid. If you haven't played this, it's WELL worth tracking down along with Metroid Fusion also for the GBA. :)



That is true. However, I believe that a portable remake can't do it justice. I would rather have a full blown remake on the big screen on a more modern hardware like PS3, Xbox 360, or even Wii U (the original Wii is dead). The GBA is also outdated too and can't deliver the graphics & sound, extra enemies/bosses, more powerups, and extended size of the maps. My philosophy is don't do a remake unless it's truly worth my time to play it.

Here are a few more titles to add to my remake list.

9. Battletoads - This game was super hard! Especially on the bike-riding level, it was just impossible to me. I was able to recently get past that bike level with a friend, but we still couldn't make it past the following level. But you know, it was such a fun game! It also had some great graphics on the NES. In a remake of Battletoads, developers need to focus on the controls a bit more. It felt loose and sort of floaty when trying to do combos on enemies. Also, the hit detection on cliff edges were off. I can't tell you how many times I fell off the cliff when I was no where near a cliff. All this made the game more difficult than it supposed to be. Other than that, it's like Double Dragon with toads. :-) The music was really cool and catchy as well.

There were other games in the series, such as Battletoads & Double Dragon and Super Battletoads. Those were really good games and perhaps don't need a remake. But the original Battletoads would be fantastic with an updated fighting system, graphics & sound, and additional characters to choose from.

10. Double Dragon II - The first Double Dragon on NES was a single player game and was not as polished. But wow, the 2nd game in the series really was the best one. It got extremely hard later on in the game. But I have to congratulate myself for beating it several years ago with a friend. I might like this game more than Streets of Rage just due to the sheer number of moves you can perform if you practiced enough. I was able to do numerous combos, not with button mashing, but with true mastery of the moves. Plus, those power uppercuts and cyclone kicks were very exhilarating when done right. The game was so fun that I can play it over and over with any coop buddy. I believe a remake would be in order with even more crazy moves and coop combos. Sure, they did a remake called Double Dragon Neon a couple of years ago. But that one just didn't feel the same. Plus, it was almost an entirely different game with fan service. A true remake would be awesome.

11. Albert Odyssey - Most people never even heard of this title, much less give it a chance. This came out on Sega Saturn, and I am so glad I gave it a shot. It's got everything a good RPG has--great graphics, lovely characters, an exciting storyline, crazy villains, cool battle system, and the superb soundtrack! It was so underrated. It would be amazing to see it running on a modern console with increased difficulty, since it was a pretty easy game. This is quite the traditional JRPG. So, a remake would be nice to have some more side quests, mini games, and anime cut scenes to add to the drama. The game can be pretty lighthearted at times until the drama kicks in. Reminds me a lot of the Lunar series. If you haven't played this game yet, I suggest you give it a try. You won't be disappointed.

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allow me to echo the love for Metroid: Zero Mission.

  On 2/22/2015 at 12:30 AM, ctophil said:

Double Dragon II - The first Double Dragon on NES was a single player game and was not as polished. But wow, the 2nd game in the series really was the best one. It got extremely hard later on in the game. But I have to congratulate myself for beating it several years ago with a friend. I might like this game more than Streets of Rage just due to the sheer number of moves you can perform if you practiced enough. I was able to do numerous combos, not with button mashing, but with true mastery of the moves. Plus, those power uppercuts and cyclone kicks were very exhilarating when done right. The game was so fun that I can play it over and over with any coop buddy. I believe a remake would be in order with even more crazy moves and coop combos. Sure, they did a remake called Double Dragon Neon a couple of years ago. But that one just didn't feel the same. Plus, it was almost an entirely different game with fan service. A true remake would be awesome.

the first Double Dragon is absolutely one of my favorite NES games. II was also good, but i didn't get the same vibe from it as the first.

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  • Retromags Curator

The NES Double Dragon was so disappointing to me, just because the arcade game was so great. There's no version of Double Dragon I that comes anywhere close to the arcade original. Double Dragon II, on the other hand, not only surpassed the original on the NES, but beats the snot out of its arcade counterpart hands-down.

Finishing DD2 on Supreme Master difficulty gave me such an enormous sense of accomplishment back in the day. And while the NES version of Double Dragon 3 might not be much to write home about, it's far better than the abominable arcade game which spawned it. That thing can go straight to hell... :)


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Would love to see a remake of Metroid II. I know it's regarded by many as the low-point in 2D Metroid gaming, but with Zero Mission out there, a solid remake of the second installment - in similar, 16-bit-ish glory - is something I've been wanting to play for years.

There's been some speculation as to Battletoads lately. Microsoft had been teasing gamers with the IP and eventually announced some content for the X1 version of Shovel Knight. Can't imagine that's the end of it, though. It'd be nice to see a remake of the first game, or perhaps even a deal-o between Microsoft/Rare and Nintendo for Virtual Console releases, or even an emulated release of the arcade game via XBLA. That'd be nice.

I only ask remakes stay true to the original games. Gaming history is full of failed or average 2D-to-3D transitions. Games like DuckTales Remastered and Metroid: Zero Mission are about as far from their source material as I'd wanna get - modernized/expanded but with the same style of gameplay.

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  On 3/6/2015 at 10:22 PM, RetroDefense said:

Would love to see a remake of Metroid II. I know it's regarded by many as the low-point in 2D Metroid gaming, but with Zero Mission out there, a solid remake of the second installment - in similar, 16-bit-ish glory - is something I've been wanting to play for years.

You know there is a fan-made remake of it? I believe it's still incomplete, but it has been in active development for a while, and looks really nice.

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speaking of Metroid II (which i've never played, btw), it got me thinking that there's a ton of original Game Boy games that could benefit greatly from a re-release. Nothing crazy, even just colorized versions. Metroid 2. Kirby. Donkey Kong '94. Kid Icarus. Super Mario Land. Donkey Kong Land. so many IPs that they're currently using that wouldn't be too difficult to revamp and put up on their eShop.

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  On 3/11/2015 at 1:23 PM, twiztor said:

speaking of Metroid II (which i've never played, btw), it got me thinking that there's a ton of original Game Boy games that could benefit greatly from a re-release. Nothing crazy, even just colorized versions. Metroid 2. Kirby. Donkey Kong '94. Kid Icarus. Super Mario Land. Donkey Kong Land. so many IPs that they're currently using that wouldn't be too difficult to revamp and put up on their eShop.

I've always wondered why Nintendo hasn't enabled Super Game Boy support in their GB Virtual Console emulator. It'd add some nice color filter options to many titles - even those without native SGB support.

Or perhaps they have and I don't know about it. I just discovered the green screen option the other day, after all. :)

Speaking of Kid Icarus, if anyone here is a fan of the NES title, I highly recommend the 3D Classics version available on 3DS. The 3D effects are nice but the new control scheme option is what makes all the difference. The changes are subtle but improve the playability of the game immensely.

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Does that mean Pit no longer slides that extra half-step when you try to stop him, RD? I have some rather amusing memories of watching a friend play the game, die due to slipping off a ledge, then roaming around the house afterwards mumbling, "I hate Kid Icarus" over and over and over again for that very reason. :)


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  On 3/16/2015 at 11:09 PM, Areala said:

Does that mean Pit no longer slides that extra half-step when you try to stop him, RD? I have some rather amusing memories of watching a friend play the game, die due to slipping off a ledge, then roaming around the house afterwards mumbling, "I hate Kid Icarus" over and over and over again for that very reason. :)

Less slipping is only one of the tweaks. :) Here's the full skinny straight from the manual:

  • Can jump while aiming upward
  • Continuously shoot arrows at high speed while holding down B (fire button)
  • Arrows are faster
  • Arrows have a broader range of effect
  • Press and hold A (jump button) while jumping, you can slow your fall
  • Speed while jumping is slowed down
  • Reaction time is shorter

Some of these sound extreme, but as I mentioned before, they're all very subtle. With the exception of turbo-fire you'd be hard pressed to notice the differences at first.

The game does still offer the original classic controls as an option.

In keeping with the discussion, I wouldn't consider the game a remake - it's pretty much the NES game with 3D effects, improved controls and Japan's original save system - but it's a very nice upgrade regardless.

  On 3/10/2015 at 10:34 AM, Zarxrax said:

You know there is a fan-made remake of it? I believe it's still incomplete, but it has been in active development for a while, and looks really nice.

Yep, I remember reading about this somewhere but haven't tried it - I rarely play fan remakes, ROM hacks, etc. I have lots of respect for these projects but usually admire 'em from afar. Most I've tried are either too difficult or too buggy or both. And I've never been a big fan of emulation on PC.

Would love to see someone hack NES Kid Icarus with the 3D Classics control changes, though. And have it original hardware compatible so I can put it on cart. :)

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  On 10/31/2015 at 1:06 PM, joeyriot said:

Interplay published a couple of real gems on the SNES . I would love to see an update to The Lost Vikings(a great puzzle adventure) or Blackthorne(solid action adventure).

Beam Software was responsible for a 32-bit sequel called "Norse by Norsewest: Return of the Lost Vikings". You can get it on PC, PS1, and Saturn. :)



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