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A remake you would love to see?


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  On 12/13/2015 at 7:13 PM, Nesseight said:

I know they're remaking Final Fantasy 7 for the PS4, but oddly enough I wouldn't mind seeing it remade as a SNES game (true to the PS1 version in gameplay, but SNES graphics like FF6).

did you know there are hacked versions of FF7 for the NES? i've watched a couple videos and am mildly curious to play it, but i don't think i could. it would just be too weird.

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The idea that someone might have patched another FF game crossed my mind, but I never really checked into it.

They seem to have done an awesome job on that NES port, though. They even got the music right. It's not the SNES version that I have in my head, but I do respect their attention to detail.

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If 1998 is counted as 90' I would love to see somehow reacreated world of Enroth of video game Might And Magic Vi: The Mandate Of Heaven. I would love something like Unreal 4 engine as graphics. This time around - only one player action (First Person like in Bethesda games) with ability to have up to 3 other party members with independent A.L. Improved magic and trading system, also sword and bow mechanics too. The game world is so fascinating for me. I have same feelings for sequels - Vii and Viii parts of Might and Magic. I've also tried the latest part of Might and Magic X: Legacy, but that game have somehow unpolished everything :unsure:

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Would love to see what they would do with these games with today's tech:


GI Joe

Rastan (i can hear the music in my noggin now)


Ikari Warrior

Twin Eagle (Had such great music for a 1988 arcade game)


Probably more but that's what come to the top of my head right now

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  On 2/3/2016 at 1:31 AM, shadefaster said:

Would LOVE to see a remake of banjo kazooie and banjo rookie with all updated graphics and an amazing instrumental soundtrack, phenomenal games.

Indeed, if they treated it like the xbox conker game and increased the framerate it would be ace.

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Final Fantasy IV.

Final Fantasy VI.

Maniac Mansion (in 3d? First-person option? That would be a trip).

The original Grand Theft Auto, in the style of GTA V.


Dragon Warrior III.


Mega Man 1-6. Take the NES-era games, stick 'em together into a single gameplay experience (we're talking 46 robot masters spread across 46 selectable stages, none of this "play one isolated Mega Man game at a time" collection crap) and touch up the graphics and music just a teeny bit. Boom, best Mega Man game ever made. How has this not happened yet?

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Destruction Derby from the early Playstation days. Number 2 was the best, but I heard it got shit after that until they canned the series. So much potential and no real competition in the genre.

Warhawk was another early Playstation game which never saw much of a continuation, except for the multiplayer only PS3 launch game.

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  On 2/20/2016 at 1:57 AM, PhoenixVanguard said:

Destruction Derby from the early Playstation days. Number 2 was the best, but I heard it got shit after that until they canned the series. So much potential and no real competition in the genre.

It wasn't made by the same company, but I consider "Test Drive: Eve of Destruction" for the PS2 and Xbox the spiritual successor to the Destruction Derby series. I'm not a big fan of driving games, but holy cow did I pour hours of my life into Eve of Destruction... :)



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I would like remakes of X-Men Children Of The Atom, Marvel Super Heroes, The King Of Fighters '94, War Zone and Attitude.

The first three to add more characters and stages, make it look like it was the 90's all over again and for War Zone and Attitude

WWE should uses today graphics for those games.

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  On 2/22/2016 at 9:37 PM, RAJR1985 said:

I would like remakes of X-Men Children Of The Atom, Marvel Super Heroes, The King Of Fighters '94, War Zone and Attitude.

The first three to add more characters and stages, make it look like it was the 90's all over again and for War Zone and Attitude

WWE should uses today graphics for those games.

I loved Warzone and Attitude back in the day but I don't think that I could get behind their awkward use of Mortal Kombat-style inputs for doing moves anymore.

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