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Windows 10 Upgrade for FREE!


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  • Retromags Curator

I have played with the beta, but not sure I actually want to move away from Windows 7 at this point.

On Wednesday during a marquee Windows 10 event at Microsoft's headquarters in Redmond, the company officially announced a free upgrade offer for the latest operating system.

For the first twelve months following Windows 10's launch later this year, all devices running Windows 8.1 will get a free upgrade to the new OS. The same is true for phone devices running Windows Phone 8.1. In addition, everyone running Windows 7 will get a free upgrade to Windows 10.


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The thing is people like Phillyman, me and anyone else using the technical previews are pretty much bug testing for them for free so by the time it arrives it will likely be a whole heap better than any OS released before it in terms of bugs squashed etc. It's the first Microsoft OS that has me keen to go on for the upgrade on day one. Can't wait for the next release to see how far they have progressed the UI and new features.

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The thing is people like Phillyman, me and anyone else using the technical previews are pretty much bug testing for them for free so by the time it arrives it will likely be a whole heap better than any OS released before it in terms of bugs squashed etc. It's the first Microsoft OS that has me keen to go on for the upgrade on day one. Can't wait for the next release to see how far they have progressed the UI and new features.

You do have a point about that. I’ve never been a beta tester for anything. I can’t remember if I have. Maybe for a script back in the day or something. But, off hand I can’t think of anything. I will be excited to hear reports of the upgrade. I really am a big fan of Windows.

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I'll tell you I used XP all the way through the Vista fiasco. When windows 7 came out I gave it some time before starting to use it and make sure it was not another vista. Quickly came to learn that it was really good! Windows 8 took me a little longer, but I was forced into it when I bought a new PC and after using Widows Shell I began to love it too. The stance I take on new software is to allow the bugs to be worked out before trying it out... never use a beta OS as your main OS. Once it's released wait until the first or second patch is released before you start using to make sure it's secure and stable.

This is the same way I am with my iPhone... anyway it will be nice checking it out once it's stable.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Nothing I have read indicates Windows 10 will be subscription based at all.

I know I read somewhere that they were looking at a scenario where there were people unable to afford the upfront cost of an OS and that they might be able to bring them a subscription version like they do for Office 365 but that would be a later version than Windows 10. I actually don't have a big problem with that model as long as they also offer a straight out purchase as well.

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It's only speculation at this point, based on Microsoft trademarking "Windows 365" and Windows 10 being referenced as a "service" by developers.

If it does turn out to be subscription-based, I'll try my best to avoid it. I prefer purchasing my software outright (whether it be OSes, games, etc) instead of dealing with service fees, micro-transactions, etc. As you mentioned, I hope they provide the option for a straight-out purchase.

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So will I.

However, there are some merits in a subscription based model if it's low yearly cost and comes bundled with added features over and above what a standalone version might have.

They could for instance bundle Office 365 as a freebie as part of the subscription cost. If you can acquire both the latest OS and Office 365 for less than the yearly cost of just the Office component for example it makes a compelling argument for people wanting Office to go down that path. Factor in Microsoft providing software support directly rather than you having to run the gauntlet with OEMs, most of which don't provide great support anyway, and things could look interesting indeed. It's all speculation at this point and given MS have shot themselves in the foot as much as the next guy over the years until they front up with product and pricing it's all pie in the sky stuff at the current time.

What isn't pie in the sky is Windows 10 which is looking like it could be the spiritual successor to Windows 7 we have all been waiting for.

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  • 1 month later...

My policy is if something isn't broken, don't touch it. My last PC used Win2K and I only ended up with 7 because I bought this laptop to replace it. Skipped XP, skipped 8, and will likely skip 10 too if the lappy continues to work.

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Windows 7 is getting a little creaky. My favorite Microsft OS yet, but there is room for improvement. Most of it tied behind Microsoft locking updates to programs and services to new OS. Like when they release a new media player or IE but make it Win 8 only.

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From what I heard free is only free to the 3/4 of the population in China that uses non genuine copies of Windows 7. Citation BBC

Microsoft obviously wants a higher userbase and China has a large population so I would not be surprised if there is a catch to this free offer. Possibly only free for a year and the operating system will nag the user to pay money.

I disliked windows 8. I tried it when it first came out and again for a few months when 8.1 was ready. I hated that the first thing I had to do was copy the shell program from a Windows 7 machine to a USB drive to get windows 8 working.

I really hated the attitude I got from the dude at Best Buy when I was looking at a HP gaming laptop. I asked if I could install Windows 7 on it and he asked condescending "Why would you want to do that? Windows 8 is better than Windows 7 and they have a shell that makes the classic Start Menu return."

Well I know that the 'Classic Shell' is a third party program, so I asked if I could get the drivers online and install them myself and he said "No, these laptops were built specifically for Windows 8 and the Windows 7 drivers wont be fully compatible, plus the warranty will be voided. We can install Windows 7 for you but you will have to pay the retail price plus installation on top of the unit price."

Well something obviously isnt jiving and I am smelling some bulshit so I opened up my trusty Thinkpad :mushroom: and looked at Hewlett Packard's drivers and found all the drivers for Windows 7 available for this laptop. I went back to this guy and told him that even though he nearly talked me out of this sale, I still wanted to buy the hardware. Obviously he had no problems with accepting my money.

Windows 10 has some new features that intrest me like the ability to open folders in the same position and size after you close them and restart. Very handy for my media centre. I also like the multiple desktops feature so I could have one desktop that has all of my adult only stuff on it, research on another and download stuff on yet another.

Xbox one is eventually supposed to be compatible with Windows 10 as well. Right now you can open up you're xbox live from you're PC if it is connected to the Xbox. The future may bring other intersting things like recording gameplay or hopefully an updated version of Xbox Media Centre.

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I don't know where you heard that.

From what I read free is free to everyone BUT pirates won't have the status changed from pirated/unlicensed to licensed simply by loading Windows 10. If you have a legitimate Windows 7/8/8.1 key and you install Windows 10 over the top you will have a licensed and free version of Windows 10 when it is released.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...

I've read & watched a few reviews. The core OS sounds promising and I'll likely install it on my laptop eventually. But this is what I was afraid of:


Looks like Microsoft's latest OS has joined the world of DLC, micro-transactions and subscriptions.


As much as I hate it, I can understand the nickel-and-dime business model. And I suppose it isn't all bad - there are always third party software options. This isn't a monopolistic, closed video game system, after all.

But if Microsoft is going to try charging us for Solitaire and DVD playback, I can't imagine it will stop there.

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The reason they are charging is because it is a free upgrade.

DVD playback involves paying a licensing fee to Phillips I believe so it is only reasonable to drop support out of the OS and charge just those people who want to use the feature. I think it makes perfect sense as people can either use the software that came with their DVD drive at zero cost, find 3rd party software or pay the $10 or whatever it costs for their software.

Windows 10 phone is sooo beta I can't believe people would load it on a phone when it is such an important part of our lives. It's one thing to load it on a PC where a crash here and there is annoying but not life threatening but on a phone? Can't say I'd do it. I don't even load official iOS updates on my iPhone 6 straight away in case they fubar something.

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Windows 7 has done things better than anyone else. The problem is though, that is is not useful with most modern tech anymore. Well aside PC's. I like windows 8 but I still feel 7 is the best all around. 10 I have yet to try.

If you like 8, you will like 10 but if you loved 7, you will be let down again. lol

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  • Retromags Curator

I forced the upgrade on my desktop, and so far it seems fine except for a few things. I like that I can keep the full start screen. But I don't like that it scrolls down instead of across. My icons are all in inconvenient spots now. The Edge browser seems fine, but it seems to hang more frequently than is normal, which forces me to kill it as a task.

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