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Does anyone here have a Virtual Boy?


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Would like to see these translated to the 3DS as Virtual Console titles someday.

i pitched this to my Nintendo rep about a year ago. she seemed genuinely interested in the idea and promised to pitch it to her superiors. never heard about it again, although i can't say i'm entirely surprised. i really doubt there's much demand.


the way i suggested it was a Virtual Boy cartridge. the case looks like virtual boy packaging (AKA lots of red) and it includes a cheap pair of 3d glasses printed to look like the virtual boy console. i thought it may be cool to have something collectible beside the novelty of almost 20 year old games.

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I remember buying a Virtual Boy when it was released (I was in the Navy at the time). After playing Wario Land and Red Alarm for a few weeks though I sold it to a friend. Never could play the games longer than 20-30 minutes without taking a break. It wasn't until recently that I've thought about getting another one to add to my collection. If I ever run across a good deal I might pick one up though I hear they are rare.

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Never had one, but would like to try it out. Had it been done with regular colour LCDs and gave a 3D effect like the Viewmaster things do, I think it would have done better than it did, though the setup would probably be just as goofy.

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The cost would have been too prohibitive. There were color 3d goggles available for the pc at the time which costed $500-800. And more colors would have meant a much more powerful cpu or graphics chip would have been needed. It was still very much a market aimed at kids and teens in those days, so it might have bombed even harder.

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