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Impossible to stitch together double-page ads?


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This is probably old news to most of you, but I'm just learning. Even if you get a clean cut and de-bind a magazine with enough space that you can scan the entire printed page, there is still not enough information to stitch multipage ads or feature images into one clean image. Is that universal? Is there always an empty space built in to the magazine to compensate for the binding?

Here's a sample of one of my attempts.


(ignore the blue line on the left side of the page, I sent my scanner back to be cleaned!)

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A gap like that is to be expected, and preferable since that is where the spine is, and you wouldn't normally see what is there anyhow.

I don't do any stitching together except with posters. And even with those, which are folded, it is still very hard to get them perfect.

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Yep, it is almost a waste of time trying to get it right, especially when quite often the page may have just been cut wrong in the first place. Then there are magazines like Edge where for content pages they quite often add an image overflow on the spine edges to allow the image to look seamless when the magazine is opened in what they deem a typical manner. Best way to show it is via an image....


Here you can see they have duplicated the inner section of the image onto the other side to allow for the missing few millimeters when a magazine is opened. However they don't do this with advertising, only with their content as if you look at this advert .....


... you can see that even though I scanned incredibly close to the spine by the glue indents the picture isn't seamless.

There is really nothing you can do about it so don't fret about it. The whole idea on preservation is to preserve the content the way it was printed and I take that to mean warts and all including misaligned images/pages and even non-straight pages. It's what makes print copies special in my opinion. Digital versions are so clean and perfect that to me they lack the feeling that you are looking at a printed magazine.

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