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Nintendo's E3 2015 Digital Event

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So with the E3 conferences behind us, I think I'm more excited for Nintendo games on a competing system (re: Rare Replay) than I am Nintendo's digital event reveals.

Can't say that I'm ready to turn in my Nintendo fanboy membership card just yet, but yeah, it felt very underwhelming. E3 isn't over so maybe they have a surprise or two up their sleeve, but they seemed to drop the (blast) ball this year.

Any Nintendo fans around, and if so, what was your takeaway?

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As far as Nintendo is concerned, there weren't any surprises. Just a couple of years ago when Nintendo still had physical press conferences, they always unveiled cool surprises that took my socks off. They made it a point of doing that. But with the introduction of digital conferences, their E3 has been bland for the past couple of years. I do own a Wii U, however. I do look forward to the new Zeldas (for Wii U and 3DS) and Star Fox Zero. Although, the Wii U Zelda was a no show at E3. I guess next year when Nintendo will unveil their new console or portable, Nintendo NX, we will once again be surprised.

Sony and Microsoft though has had the "cool factor" and have focused on surprising the audiences. I know this is not related, but I'm really looking forward to Final Fantasy VII Remake and Shemue 3, which were both a long-time coming.

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Last year's digital event was fantastic. I can't remember if that was the first time they did that or if this one was the third, but I prefer it over live conferences. Those always seemed tacky and awkward, no matter how hard everyone tries to make them good.

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