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The Fifteen Most Difficult NES Games (That Are Not Battletoads)


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My brother writes about video games more than I do, as it's kind of his second job at the moment. His most recent piece is this one, about difficult NES games, so if you're looking for a laugh (or maybe a new challenge), give his article a read:



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i read this article over the weekend and thoroughly enjoyed it. haven't played all of those games, but of the ones i have, i completely agree!

also, tell your brother i appreciate his sense of humor in this article, definitely added to the overall enjoyment.

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I'll let him know, twiztor! I had a couple of good laughs myself (especially the "What is it?" entry for Ninja Gaiden 3..."goddamn birds..." :lol: ), and there are a few on that list like Starship Hector I've never played so it looks like I've got some new carts to track down. :)


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Had an opportunity to read this last night. I agree with twiztor - the humor really helped hold my attention and made for a fun read. I also appreciated the level of detail in some of the game bios - comparisons between NES and Famicom releases, etc.

I was also impressed with the selection of games. It's clear he put some thought into this article instead of throwing together just another top list - most of these would have slipped my mind entirely. Nicely done!

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Yeah, if nothing else, my brother takes his gaming history quite seriously. I've no idea how much time he spent playing games and whittling down the list, but I know he started with about twenty-five potential titles which means he could easily get a second article out of the ones he decided not to write about. Right now though, I think he's working on another piece about some significant differences between US and Japanese versions of games which I can't wait to read. :)

I'll pass along your remarks, RetroDefense!


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Well, looks like that piece he was working on about Japanese games went up a few hours ago. *laugh* :)


I am ashamed to admit, I am an enormous Tomb Raider fan, and even I had no idea about the Japanese version of Tomb Raider III. Import time... :)

I have done so, RD. I think he's taking a break from them for the time being. He's got a larger project he's working on, but he's asked me not to reveal what it's about yet. I will say it's a damn cool idea, and I wish I had thought of it first. :)


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Thread necromancy!!

So my brother's latest series on RGM involves the three video games they made that were based on the Blair Witch franchise. He did a three-part series on them, which some folks might find amusing, so if you count yourself among those who would, please give him a few clicks and some reads. :)

Part 1:


Part 2:


Part 3:



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  • 4 weeks later...
  On 7/3/2015 at 1:39 AM, Areala said:

My brother writes about video games more than I do, as it's kind of his second job at the moment. His most recent piece is this one, about difficult NES games, so if you're looking for a laugh (or maybe a new challenge), give his article a read:




Wow great site Areala, had never heard of this site. Bookmarked!


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  On 12/30/2015 at 5:34 PM, dragonz said:

Wow great site Areala, had never heard of this site. Bookmarked!


Thank you so much, Dragonz! Although the credit is all his. I'm just linking to the stuff he writes because, hey, that's what good family does, right? :)

This is a list of everything he's written for the site thusfar, and I know he'd love to get some more clicks since that's how he gets paid and all:




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  On 1/3/2016 at 12:52 AM, nodnyl10 said:

I enjoyed the read. Although, some of them I really didn't own (but I did play them when a friend and I used to swap games). I was actually hoping that Fist of the North Star is there.

Ugh Fist of the North Star was such a terrible game, and yeah very cheap and difficult.

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Nice article. Ninja Gaiden 3's difficulty is for bullshit reasons. Arbitrarily changing the original game's rules to keep people who were gods at NG1 and 2 from beating the game on a weekend rental and returning it. Play NG3 for a while, then play Ninja Rukenden 3. The latter will feel like you're using cheats, by comparison.

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Great article. It's funny though when I replay old NES games how much easier they seem now compared to playing them when I was 8 years old. Many games that just seemed impossible then are now not easy but I can actually complete them. I really struggled with Faxanadu on NES as a kid I replayed that last year still challenging to a point but was able to finish it. It's the exact opposite with more modern games for me especially FPS shooters. Back in like 2000 I was extremely good at them and now I am sub par if not terrible at many of them. I don't know if its age or just the fact that there are so many people just really good at them since they started hitting the console market.

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It's always fun to read articles like that and find games you've played. Bayou Billy, Adventures of Link, and Bubble Bobble are on my childhood list, and only Adventures of Link did I ever actually finish.

Funny enough, I used to have a copy of Video Games and Computer Entertainment Issue 032 with the Deja Vu walkthrough and now that I actually HAVE the game...

Though hooray for this site!

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I haven't laughed so hard in a week:


I have vague memories of reading about this event in a video game history book, but it was nowhere near as memorable as Michael's take on it, and I had no idea it led to the creation of "Journey", which has got to be one of the oddest licensed games of all time. Then again, they made two games based on 50 Cent so maybe it's not as crazy as it seems. Hmmm... :)


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  On 1/26/2016 at 3:48 PM, Areala said:

I haven't laughed so hard in a week:


I have vague memories of reading about this event in a video game history book, but it was nowhere near as memorable as Michael's take on it, and I had no idea it led to the creation of "Journey", which has got to be one of the oddest licensed games of all time. Then again, they made two games based on 50 Cent so maybe it's not as crazy as it seems. Hmmm... :)



this article is fantastic!

had no idea this was ever a thing and laughed way too hard at the inevitable conclusion.

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  • 4 weeks later...

My top 15 hardest NES games:

Dragon's Lair

Super C

Ghost & Goblins

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Silver Surfer

Mega Man

Street Fighter 2010: The Final Fight

Castlevania 3 Dracula's Curse

Ninja Gaiden

Metal Gear

Fester's Quest

Batman Return of the Joker

The Adventures of Bayou Billy

Wizards & Warriors: Ironsword

Double Dragon 3

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  On 2/23/2016 at 6:23 PM, psychopathetica said:

My top 15 hardest NES games:

Dragon's Lair

Super C

Ghost & Goblins

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Silver Surfer

Mega Man

Street Fighter 2010: The Final Fight

Castlevania 3 Dracula's Curse

Ninja Gaiden

Metal Gear

Fester's Quest

Batman Return of the Joker

The Adventures of Bayou Billy

Wizards & Warriors: Ironsword

Double Dragon 3


Great picks

Edited by xisterm
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