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What's the best program to view these files on a computer? how about a IOS device?

Thanks for posting these mags. There's one magazine from my childhood I'm trying to find. It had all the MK2 moves and fatalities and such over a few pages. Not sure if it was Game Pro or EGM.

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You will need a comic book reader program to view these files. I am not sure what is in the app store, but you should find something if you search for cbz or comic book reader.

I think both GamePro and EGM had the MK2 fatalities listed. I just looked it up, and the November 1993 issue of GamePro had a 16-page Mortal Kombat II strategy guide in it. Looking it up also made me notice that it can use an upgraded scan once I have gotten through my two boxes of magazines that still need scanning :)

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  • 2 months later...

Hope it's OK if I bump this.

The most popular comic book reader seems to be CDisplayEx. As far as I can figure out, it was indeed the best option at one point. But, the original owners/creators, at some point, sold it to some other entity. And so, now, with the current versions, even if you "untick" all the crapware options upon installation, it will STILL install malware on your computer. "Trovi" search to be specific.

So, probably best to avoid it.

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Hope it's OK if I bump this.

The most popular comic book reader seems to be CDisplayEx. As far as I can figure out, it was indeed the best option at one point. But, the original owners/creators, at some point, sold it to some other entity. And so, now, with the current versions, even if you "untick" all the crapware options upon installation, it will STILL install malware on your computer. "Trovi" search to be specific.

So, probably best to avoid it.

I'm disappointed to hear this - it was a great little program. :/ I hope something suitable comes along to replace it.

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Hope it's OK if I bump this.

The most popular comic book reader seems to be CDisplayEx. As far as I can figure out, it was indeed the best option at one point. But, the original owners/creators, at some point, sold it to some other entity. And so, now, with the current versions, even if you "untick" all the crapware options upon installation, it will STILL install malware on your computer. "Trovi" search to be specific.

So, probably best to avoid it.

that's funny cuz i did the same thing. luckily my webroot antivirus picked it up and i didn't allow the install, but I was frustrated by the attempted malware attack and came right to the forums. I'm not sure if its on the website already, but maybe a link under downloads for legit viewers would be sweet for new comers.

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I'm disappointed to hear this - it was a great little program. :/ I hope something suitable comes along to replace it.

that's funny cuz i did the same thing. luckily my webroot antivirus picked it up and i didn't allow the install, but I was frustrated by the attempted malware attack and came right to the forums. I'm not sure if its on the website already, but maybe a link under downloads for legit viewers would be sweet for new comers.

Well, my experience with cbr/cbz readers is pretty limited, but since learning about this stuff with CDisplayEx, I've been using a program called ComicRack. I love it. It has just the right amount of features. It seems malware free. Though, I haven't run a scan or anything since installing it. But, it seems popular enough that you'd think if it did have nastiness piggybacking on it, that this would show up in a search - which it does not.

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