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Kickstarter: Little Player - Video Game Magazine For Kids


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Hi everyone,

Areala already mentioned this Kickstarter project in the Shoutbox but I thought it deserved a thread of its own. :)

If you missed it, a kickstarter is currently underway for Little Player, a new video game magazine for kids. Based on what I've seen with Issue 0 (you can download the PDF via the Kickstarter page), the magazine reminds me of the all-ages mindset of early Nintendo Power combined with a layout reminiscent of early EGM. (Which makes sense, actually, as Martin Alessi is leading the charge.)

I really like the idea of Little Player. My kids are well past the target demographic but I decided to back the project anyway. As much as I enjoyed later issues of Nintendo Power, I always felt a little disappointed the magazine was no longer as kid friendly as it used to be. That an all-ages magazine may be back on the market is something gamers and the industry should embrace, imo.

Unfortunately, the project is far from hitting its target goal. Video gaming parents may not feel the need for something like Little Player as they're already invested in gaming and don't need help making decisions. Perhaps the project would've garnered more attention through traditional parenting sites - for parents less interested in video gaming but looking for something kid-friendly. Doesn't hurt that it spurs reading, too.

Give it a look if you're inclined, and thanks, Areala, for letting everyone know about it!


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Maybe this is the kind of thing RetroMags should support with a plug on the home page, via Twitter, etc?

I think it's fair to say we all have an interest in video game magazines. :) Not only in regards to their preservation but also the continuation of the (arguably outdated but still crazy awesome) content delivery model.

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  • 2 weeks later...

After the Kickstarter ended, I received an e-mail explaining how they'd have to lift themselves up by their bootstraps and do it the old fashioned way, or something to that effect. :) So they may try to find some other funding, self-fund, or scale down to something more manageable in regards to cost. We'll have to wait and see, I suppose.

I very much like the idea of the 'zine and hope they continue with its development. And honestly, I think they'd have better luck by pitching/marketing the idea via parenting sites, parenting magazines, etc, instead of the traditional video gaming press.

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