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Where do you buy you older systems?


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  • 4 weeks later...

Myself, it depends on whether the system is available new or used. If still on the market and available new from retailers, I'll always go that option.

For used, it depends on the system. If it uses some sort of optical drive, I always try locally owned Mom & Pop retro game stores first. They usually offer some sort of limited guarantee - even let you test the system in store before purchase. And for systems notable for their fickle drives (original Xbox, etc), you have a better chance of examining the system before making a purchase. You may pay a bit more but I've found it's usually worth it.

For cart and card based systems, I'm more comfortable buying from Ebay but still like to shop local if I can. But I'm more particular about condition than most gamers, I suppose.

For the obscure stuff, you can't beat Ebay. Check seller feedback, return policies, etc, before taking the plunge though.

Be careful with flea markets, garage sales, yard sales, pawn shops, etc. Especially with any optical drive system.

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eBay's not so bad, if you have patience. Most of my systems that didn't come from yard sales and thrift stores a decade or so ago have come from a local classic game shop that's really cool. Good pricing, great owner.

Alas, I have almost everything (hardware-wise) now, and I find it harder and harder to work up the drive to look for more stuff to buy.

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Goodwill (as an organization) can burn. They treat their employees like trash, operate completely for profit, upper executives have six figure salaries, and they have the gall to charge double shipping on online sales.

Sometimes you find individual stores selling stuff on ebay, and they're fair with the shipping and handling, since they're not charging you for the shipping costs to their warehouse and back out to you.

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I know eBay has a lot of flaws and problems, but it's eBay all the way for me, and once in a while Amazon. I always check a seller's feedback before making a purchase, and overall, eBay and PayPal do a good job and protecting you if there's a problem.

The only exception the past couple years was a refurbished PC Engine Duo I bought from a guy on the PCEngineFX forums who's a pro with those systems.

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  On 3/3/2016 at 9:00 PM, aloram said:

I know eBay has a lot of flaws and problems, but it's eBay all the way for me, and once in a while Amazon. I always check a seller's feedback before making a purchase, and overall, eBay and PayPal do a good job and protecting you if there's a problem.

Very true!

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Alright, I unintentionally lied. I definitely bought a few systems at garage sales and off Craigslist in recent years, but that was really just a matter of what happened to be available and my timing. If you're actively looking for a certain system, I recommend eBay. Just make sure to read feedback!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Last 2 systems I got were at goodwill, man found a slim ps2 with 2 controllers, 2 sets of a/v cables for some reason, and it was only like 4 or 5 bucks.

Also last year found a sega genesis model 1, no cables or controllers but only 3 bucks, so its nice to have as a backup.

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