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What was the last video game system that you bought?

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acquired a SNES last year. hadn't owned one in over 10 years. only have a handful of games for it, but there's no rush here. NES will always be my first love anyway.

owning one again makes me want to snag a Sega Genesis (and 32x) since it has been an equally long time.

keep debating on the GameCube. bought one right when it came out, but traded it in rather quickly because i wasn't a fan of most of the games.

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Most recent for me was a Sony PSP. I love the "Persona" series, and the PSP got the "director's cut" versions of Persona, Persona 2, and Persona 3: FES. At some point, I'll probably pick up a Vita for "Persona 4 Golden" as well. :)


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A Xbox One as a holiday gift for my son. For the family and myself, a Wii U.

I recently learned I'll have to replace my PSP, unfortunately. Odd the system would develop problems while simply stored away. :/

I hope to pick up a PS3 soon. Ditto, a Retron 5.

And in my wildest dreams, a TurboDuo.

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  On 9/18/2015 at 10:17 PM, Areala said:

Got me a PS Vita, and holy good gravy, is that sucker a thing of beauty! :)

i've never seen the appeal of a Sony handheld. they don't support it whatsoever, and there's only a couple dozen interesting games for it, so what's the point?


i just looked on wikipedia, and it looks like there are a couple hundred physical games for it. who knew?

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  On 9/19/2015 at 7:25 AM, twiztor said:

i've never seen the appeal of a Sony handheld. they don't support it whatsoever, and there's only a couple dozen interesting games for it, so what's the point?


i just looked on wikipedia, and it looks like there are a couple hundred physical games for it. who knew?

I wanted the Vita for one reason: Persona 4 Golden. The fact it plays anything else at all is just an added bonus, and the fact I can install TuneIn on it makes me far, far happier than any woman has any right to be over streaming internet radio. :)



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I bought an Xbox One during a Labor Day sale that Microsoft was doing. It was one with the Halo collection pre-installed, came with Assassins Creed Unity, and a game of my choice (Rare Replay!) all for basically the cost of the system itself. It was a pretty good deal and now I own all the modern consoles!

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The last new system I bought was the Nintendo 64 on its U.S. launch day. The last system I bought, period, was a refurbished PC Engine Duo a month ago. I also just swapped my Genesis model 2 for a model 1 with "High Definition Graphics" printed on the console after reading about the superior sound chip in that version.


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Last one I bought a few years ago was Ps3 when the slim model launched. I recently acquired an old N64 from a friend who moved and it had Goldeneye, DK64, Perfect Dark, Zelda: Ocarina of TIme, Mario 64, Mario Kart 64, Bano Kazooie, I just need to buy a new power cord and Smash Bros. and Majoras Mask

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The last system that I bought was the PS3, which I picked up sometime around...2012 I think. I already had a 360 and wasn't really interested in anything that was specific to Sony's system, but I figured that I had the spare cash (a rare thing these days) and liked the idea of being able to play games online with my buddy back home, for free. Aside from a little Shadow of the Colossus HD and hundreds of hours of GTA online, playing a small handful of games with my buddy a few times a year is pretty much all that I use it for.

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