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What was the last video game system that you bought?

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Last year I bought a Intellivision and Colecovision Flashback. And you know what? Neither of them lasted. They just started losing video one by one. My genesis handheld is pretty nice though and it's from the same company ATgames.

Other than that, I haven't bought a system since the Xbox 360 and I didn't keep it long. Last new system I've bought and really liked was the Playstation 2.

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  On 2/26/2016 at 1:19 AM, jdoll said:

pstv this month month before that an original xbox and before that a 2ds many more to go as i get back into the hobby and collecting

What do you think about your PSTV? I didn't use mine too long. Most of my games weren't compatible with it

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Last console bought was the Wii U back in 2014.

Planning on getting a PS4 once i completed my MBA.

Nowadays i buy games and console just for kicks, and seeing the joy my kids in playing them because i was sure doesn't have any time to play 'em. Nowadays I simply checking youtube vodeogaming videos channel if i feel a tinge of nostalgia, haha.

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The last system I purchased new was the Wii. I preordered it months in advance and picked it up on release day. I also "got sick" and couldn't go to work the next day. Coincidence???


The last systems I purchased overall were a DS Lite and PSP (at the same time & both from the same seller).

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