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The one video game that you haven't been able to find?


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For the longest time it was "Alien vs. Predator" on the Jaguar. But since I now own a Jaguar and AvP, that's no longer the case. :)

I think now it's "Tales of Destiny II" on the PS1. It's ridiculously expensive (I've never seen it sell for less than $80 and that's for just the discs and nothing else; complete in box you're talking probably twice that much).

There's also a Japanese PS2 game called "The Fear" which is basically an enormous 4-DVD interactive horror film shot live-action with a ton of practical effects that I want to get my hands on some day, but it's easy enough to find copies on eBay that I'm not too worried. :)


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  • 2 years later...

This isn't going to mean anything to all of you goomba-stomping, sonic spinning, triforce-collecting console jockeys, but for me it was Wing Commander Prophecy Gold.  I loved the Wing Commander series and owned WC Prophecy, but during a brief time when my interest in games had been diverted to other things, an expansion pack for WCP was released for free online for a limited time, and I missed it completely (this was 1998, well before DLC was a common thing).  Sometime later, they released WCP Gold, which included the original game along with all of the additional content, but I never found a copy to purchase.

Now it's available via GOG, so it isn't a problem owning/playing the game, but to this day, it remains the only (US-released) title in the Wing Commander franchise that I don't own a boxed physical copy of.




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my most wanted game for the longest time was the Legend of Zelda Game & Watch. i finally found one (in box) for a price that i was happy with about 2 months ago. i played it. it's an LCD game. Nothing special, it just seemed like a forgotten piece from my favorite video game series. i'm happy i own it.

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  • 1 month later...

Suikoden 6... oh wait... *sigh*


Truthfully though, much as I love physical media, if I can't find a copy of a game at an acceptable price, I have no problem at all buying it digitally. After all, the biggest point of a game is to play it, right? That, and over the years I've picked up games that I knew I wanted here and there. I now own a healthy collection of PS1 and PS2 greats as a result.


Mid 2000's were a good time to be collecting for those systems. Now? Yikes. People seem to assume that old = gold these days.

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