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Another one of those Magazine Donation offers


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I have a large collection of gaming magazines I'm looking to get rid of after being reminded of how heavy they were during a move. From what I recall it contains GamePro, Game Informer, Game Buyer (all 4 issues), Next Gen, EGM, and UGP. I think. It's been a while, could post more detail if requested.

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While I'm not looking to collect physical magazines, someone else on here may, I have been this last week buying some mags to get scanned to fill out some of the holes in the sites collection. So if you can compare what you have against what's listed in our database and post the missing issuses , I'll tell you what I can take. Especially the EGM's as I just bought like 8 of them we are missing. I'll pay for shipping on the ones I can forward to a scanner.

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Ok, finally found some time to inventory:

Computer Games


(None listed in database)

Electronic Gaming Monthly


Missing from database: 114,116,118,119,125

Game Buyer


Missing: all

Game Informer


(Not allowed)



Missing: 123-131,133-141,143-149

Next Gen

#47-56, Sept 99 - Aug 2000

Missing: 47-48,50,52-56 (Sept 99 - Aug 2000 not listed)


Jun 1999 - Feb 2000, May 2000 - Aug 2002

Missing: Jun '99 - Dec 1999


#102 w/ alt cover

(Not listed)

Tips & Tricks


Missing: 124

Ultra Game Players


Missing 91-92 (98-11 not listed)

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I'll take whatever you can fit in a USPS priority mail medium flat rate box. About 20 magazines. And I'll eigther scan them or make sure they get scanned. Shipping should be 11.30. You could pay it or if you like I'll pay it through PayPal . (Message me your email for PayPal if that's the case. Only because if I don't scan them personally I will probrably ship them to someone who will.)

I'll take EGM 116,118,119 (114 and 125 I already have ready to mail to eDay to get scanned.)

Game buyer 1-4

Game pro 123-131, 133-136.

And any extra game pros in the sequence that fit in the medium flat rate box till its full.

Best way to ship is wrap them in Saran Wrap once or twice. Scotch tape the edge so it doesn't come off. And stack them with the spines alternating each other, one cover up next cover down etc.

Supposedly John Smith has all the Next Gens for scanning. (I sent him all the ones he was missing for a complete set.) but someone here may like them for their personal collection.

Anyone else want to volunteer to scan or take the rest?

I'll PM you my address.

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  • Retromags Curator

Holy cow! I need those GamePro magazines. Don't send them to Sean697, let me take them! Some I am actually missing to fill in my complete run, and others are to replace ones that I would like in better condition. Those would get scanned for sure. The ones that wouldn't yet I am willing to pay for.

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Sorry if I may have seemed to disappear there for a while. I had to move out of my house briefly while the floors were refinished. Sounds like I'll be sending the Game Pros to E-Day and the requested mags to Sean697. Honestly, I really just want to get rid of these things (Except the UGPs, which I'll keep if no one is going to scan them), so if anyone wants the rest and is willing to pay for shipping then I'll do it.

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