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Sean697 work in progress?


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So for real I actually got back to editing today. Right after my last post my Ancestry.com DNA test came in. And was working for a week or two on building a family tree. And my car broke down and had to shop for a new car. But ya made some progress on my editing today.


Awesome, Sean, looking forward to it!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Man that cover was a pain in the ass. I had some label glue residue, and my scanner didn't like the fluorescent orange again. Painstakingly edited the glue residue out. If you zoom on super close you can tell it's edited put full page view it's unnoticeable. For the orange, I used the color selection tool to select the color. Deselected any colors that were not in the oar get,entering on the cover. Then replaced color I. The selection. It's pain finding the exact same orange replacement color in Photoshop. But I got pretty damn close. I'd say I spent at least an two hours on that cover. The rest should be fast though. Debinding with the heat gun went very quickly with no problems.

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If you debinded the magazine you could send Phillyman the cover to put through his IX500. The Fujitsu scanners tend to handle the fluro colors really well. They might be a smidgen light but a tiny brightness adjustment and they come out looking great!!!

You know I would consider it, but so far, for whatever reason I've only come across the problem with orange. As long as I can correct it for that color it'll be all right. But it could be a case of I haven't come across any other fluorescent colors yet. The other time was with a Taito subscription card for their newsletter or something. They come out looking light pink.

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Was about to start bulk scanning today but I just noticed today when my wife cleaned up my computer desk last month she threw away my black construction paper I had cut out for backing when I scan to prevent bleed through. Guess I'll have to hold off till I get some replacement black paper.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Was about to start bulk scanning today but I just noticed today when my wife cleaned up my computer desk last month she threw away my black construction paper I had cut out for backing when I scan to prevent bleed through. Guess I'll have to hold off till I get some replacement black paper.

Have you ever bought some more black paper? Let me know if you bought some more black construction paper.

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I've always been under the impression that no one actually cares about "work in progress" threads and is really only interested once something becomes available to download.  But here you've got someone possibly losing sleep over whether or not you've been to the store to buy construction paper or not. :lol:

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Have you ever bought some more black paper? Let me know if you bought some more black construction paper.

I indeed bought some more black construction paper, as I didn't want to wait for my wife to get me some free taxpayer subsidized construction paper from her school. (They have nice thick black large sized sheets though)

I also bought a paper cutter. It's not a nice 100 pound model with Jason Vorhees machete attached though, it's a small plastic on for office and craft tasks that I can use for making nice cuts when removing covers from the binding, or whatever other magazine cutting I need to do. If that doesn't suffice I still have my craft xcaxto knife and a ruler. But the paper cutter is easier to align a straight line with.

I just like this thread to talk about anything scan related. And what I'm working on etc.

Also I've been editing all week. I'm going to try to set a minimum of 10 pages a day editing. Obviously more if nessesary. I'm already behind 10 pages because one day I had absolutely no time to go on the computer. But setting a goal should hopefully keep things moving so I can get a mag out every 2 weeks at least. On my off days I can talkie much more pages. Hopefully will have that Game Buyer #1 up with a few days.

Game buyer actually is a pretty interesting magazine. They have some nice layouts for FF7 and Tekken, and their screenshots and reviews look real nice. The interesting part of these magazines is they switch up the paper stock for the tricks section to non glossy cheap recycled paper.

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All I remember about Game Buyer was feeling cheated by my subscription.  I had just renewed my subscription to Ultra Game Player's, which was probably $4.99 per issue (I'm guessing here), and within an issue or two of my renewal, it was canceled and the remaining issues were fulfilled with issues of Game Buyer, which was quickly reduced to $1.99 per issue before being canceled entirely 4 issues into its run.  I don't even remember what magazine they substituted to fill out the rest of the subscription, but like I said, I felt ripped off, since I wasn't even sort of getting what I paid for.

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Nearing completion, but once again, these two spread spreads are infuriating me again, the magazine pages as cut on this one spread were so off of straight that when I combined them to line up the two pages end up crooked. It's like they cur it and glued it totally crooked in the mag. If aligned with a commone element across both pages it leaves a huge triangle at the intersection. It aligning to where the margin meets, they combined image is skewed. Eighter way it's a lot of work to make it look seemless. The last spread I did with page 128 and 129 I aligned the image pretty well, filled in the missing part of the image, and found the page was still slightly skewed. But not enough to be noticeably enough for me to go back and fix it. Because then the other side of the page wit I agates on the outside of the margin would have to crop information or filled I with fake clone stamp data. Anyway it sometimes is frustrating making a two page spread when they cut the magazine all crazy. Anyway I have like 33 pages to go.

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I might have to can scanning my Computer Games: Strategy Plus issues in case I start seeing the same comments thrown my way as well   :P


Fat chance of that.  Sadly, almost no one seems to be clamoring for PC gaming mags.  Not around here anyways.  Go ahead and take a look at our PC Gamer database (pretty much the highest profile PC gaming mag in the US).  Almost all of the missing issues have exactly ONE vote.


Yes, it was me. :P

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Interestingly this issue has a Neo Geo supplement inside. It is included as part of the page count for the issue. But this is a first that I've found, the supplement is stapled and standalone, but was glued into the binding of the issue. So it wasn't evident it was a stapled supplement until I debound the issue with my heat gun. Also this issue has a 3 page fold out ad for SNES Konami games behind the front cover that I stitched together into one image.

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  • 2 weeks later...

EGM 31 is out. As well as two uploads to the EGM supplements. One is the Neo Geo ad supplement from EGM 31 offerered as a standalone download. The other is the Mindscape ad supplement from EGM 77. If you have both of these issues, you already have the content. The other is I put an announcemt on the frontpage for the update of EGM 24. It includes the two missing pages that Retrodefense had scanned for me. That makes EGM 24 complete. Be sure to update your collection on that one.


Up next:

EGM 30


This issue will be fun. The copy I picked up on ebay has a ton of loose ad stuff in it and some posters. Plus its pretty much a pristine copy of this issue. Too bad I'll be destroying it. But such is our craft. Edited by Sean697
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Finally finished scanning. It took me a little longer due to pausing my scan to put together posters and two page spreads, then continue scanning. So im all to the editing process now. Here is a look at the EA poster included in this issue and a Streets of Rage spread from the magazine.



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