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Sean697 work in progress?


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Next up is EGM Issue 20. I really dont know if its the most requested issue of the ones I have to scan, but it has 20 votes so its up there. Plus I want to finish off all my stapled mags and be done with them already and this is the last one I have. Also this will be the last missing issue from the first 25 (29). So yay I guess.


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Next up is EGM Issue 20. I really dont know if its the most requested issue of the ones I have to scan, but it has 20 votes so its up there. Plus I want to finish off all my stapled mags and be done with them already and this is the last one I have. Also this will be the last missing issue from the first 25 (29). So yay I guess.


Excellent, Sean.

I also vote for preserving EGM issue 32 - March 1992.


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So I am al last done scanning EGM 20. Got to the middle of the magazine and am missing pages 51-66. This is equal to 4 of the 2 by 2 sheets in the mag. Now I took the staples out myself so I am kind of surprised. Can someone who has this issue check to make sure EGM 20 actually has these pages? And if they do scan them for me? Alternately mail me the issue I can scan and mail it back. I even looked around all over in case the somehow slipped out of the magazine but didn't find anything.

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I had interest in it because EGM had a very early look at NEC's 32-bit system in development.

I could be wrong but I think the following came from either the main issue itself, or the supplement:


btw a great deal changed with the hardware by the time the NEC PC-FX released in Japan in late 1994.

uh, someone's selling the supplement for $25 on ebay.


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I just scanned four EGM supplements, but none where the 1992 preview guide. I did the 1994 one, the 1993 Sports Directory, the Portable Gaming Guide (looks like it is from 1992), and another preview guide that looks like it's for 1993.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Just an update. Going to go back to working on EGM 32 on Monday. So all summer my son has been out of schools and we've had vacation and I had a work trip. Basically no free time alone to work on it with so much going on. But my son goes back to school on Monday and I'll have time to finish this up. Currently maybe 1/3 of the way done editing. Hope to have it out by next Friday maybe? Then Inshould be able to start cranking these out again full time this Fall. Slither IO also has definetly sapped my free time as well as as Pokemon GO.

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So for real I actually got back to editing today. Right after my last post my Ancestry.com DNA test came in. And was working for a week or two on building a family tree. And my car broke down and had to shop for a new car. But ya made some progress on my editing today.

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