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EGM year 2000: should I hope?


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Hey fellas, just had a question for you. I know that the general rule of in-circulation magazines is that nothing from 2000 and onward is allowed. Two things made me curious though: First, I haven't subscribed to EGM in years but didn't the original publication line end in 2009 or so? The other thing is that today, while scouring for back issues, I ran across an issue from February or March of 2000 (I think it was issue 128, with the Driver cover, if that helps).

I'm not writing this to call the rules into question or anything, just to understand whether the millennial status of EGM is still permanently off-limits and if that issue I found was an accidental anomaly. I only ask because 2000 (and a bit of 2001) was my favorite year of EGM, and I've spent hours upon hours dredging the net for digital copies but to no avail. This site is really the only place where they'd ever be likely to wind up, if they were allowed, so I was just wondering if I should cross my fingers. :)

Thanks guys, and my sincerest gratitude for all of your efforts on this site.

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I just ran across the October 2000 issue as well so I'm definitely confused. Happy, mind you, but confused. :P

I'd be absolutely thrilled if the cutoff date moved to 2006; that would easily cover every issue of the magazine that I ever wanted to get back in my collection. If this were to happen I'd happily wait until January to start getting excited.

Edited by miketheratguy
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Hey all the 2000 issues are aquired to be preserved (I mailed them to eday). In January!nyhey should be free to scan and release. And I think the Driver issue has already been preserved but was pulled for the date a couple months ago. (It's kind of my fault, eday was going to mark the 2000 issues as aquired, and I pointed out that that issue was available. So it got fixed to not allowed. You can still access it through the downloads though.) But definetly look forward to the 2000 stuff. It's on deck for next year.

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I'm very, very happy to hear that. Thank you for donating your issues, and thank you Philly and E-Day for considering changing the dates. I was gone for a while after the Megaupload debacle because I was worried that everything had been lost. Now I see that this site is better than it ever was, and keeps getting better all the time.

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Eighteen issues of EGM dating from 2001 - 2006 are scanned and available over at my website. I have another 30 or so issues in the same date range that are still to be scanned at some point. The thin glossy pages of these mags are particularly difficult for my document scanner so I do one when I am sufficiently calm enough to not throw the scanner out the window :P

I don't run quite as strict date restrictions as Phillyman over there but I do understand his reticence about changing it. Each to their own ......

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  • 2 months later...

Phillyman and I are discussing it. A couple of days ago we had agreed to keep the 1999 cutoff for active magazines, but I don't think either of us remembered his post from October that you see above. We will keep you updated.

First of all I apologize for posting that question, I did so before I spotted the post discussing the matter on the front page (I have this site bookmarked which goes straight to the forum).

Secondly, I appreciate you guys discussing things. It's your prerogative of course, but I'd be lying if I said that I wasn't excited about the possibility. Fingers crossed!

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