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Photo Information

  1. Original File Size 638348
  2. Mime Type image/jpeg
  3. Image Height 1200
  4. Image Width 2009
  5. Color TRUE
  6. Byte Order Motorola TRUE
  7. COMPUTED.Copyright nextek nextek
  8. Image Description nextek
  9. Orientation The 0th row is at the visual top of the image, and the 0th column is the visual left-hand side
  10. X-Resolution 3000000/10000
  11. Y-Resolution 3000000/10000
  12. Resolution Unit 2
  13. Software Adobe Photoshop CS6 (Windows)
  14. Last Modified 2016:09:18 15:32:35
  15. Artist nextek
  16. Copyright nextek nextek
  17. Color Space sRGB
  18. Image Width 2009
  19. Image Length 1200
  20. 1#090 �%G
  21. IPTC.Caption nextek
  22. IPTC.CaptionWriter nextek
  23. IPTC.By-line nextek
  24. IPTC.By-LineTitle nextek
  25. IPTC.ObjectName Game Informer - September 2013
  26. IPTC.Keywords nextek
  27. IPTC.CopyrightNotice nextek nextek
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