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Dirt Racer box art (PAL) (UK)


Released 1995 on SNES


Elite Systems Ltd Games

1991 Joe & Mac Caveman Ninja

1992 Dragon's Lair

1992 Eric Cantona

1992 Striker

1993 The Adventures of Dr. Franken

1994 World Cup Strike

1995 Dirt Racer


Dirt Racer is a racing game which is set on five off-road courses and offers three different vehicles (truck, buggy and stock car). The player participates either in a league (three divisions with eight drivers each) or a tournament with a knock-out system (also eight participants). The races itself are always one-against-one and the winner is who has the best end time. If the player drives in the water or against another obstacle, time is lost and the car gets set back on the course - but only for a limited amount of times; after that the race is lost. The controls feature two different acceleration speeds and three different braking strengths. Up to eight players can participate in the events, but the racing itself is limited to two at the same time.

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Video Game Box Art

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