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The Shadow snes box art (PAL) (UK) (EU) custom made by @Adrian77


It was planned for release in 1994 on the super NES, alongside other systems, but was canceled.


This is a PAL version that custom made by @Adrian77

I don't know what the PAL version going to be look like, but this is the one I made.

What do you guys think? Let me know in the comment.


The gameplay is similar to other Beat 'em up games such as Final Fight or Double Dragon, where the player controls The Shadow through several levels (including streets, museums, carnivals and laboratories) fighting against various enemies, like hoodlums, Mongol Warriors, scientists, security guards and sailors. The player has two bars; one is the life bar and the other is a bar which allows the player to perform special moves (invisibility, a lunging dash and a dome force field that knocks down everyone who is caught in its radius). The regular beat 'em up levels also include a section for gunplay, where the player is able to shoot enemies. It also contains a driving stage where The Shadow battles the Mongols on motorbikes (Maritech Labs).

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Video Game Box Art

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