Attack of the Mutant Penguins
Game Description
The object of Attack of the Mutant Penguins is to get rid of the alien and
mutant penguins any way you can. The aliens have brought a terrible weapon of
destruction - the Doomscale - with them, and you must use Bernard or Rodney to
stop them from activating it. You can arm Rodney with baseball bats, super-
clubs and torch-breath or arm Bernard with frying pans, electric pans,
boomerang pans and give him Samurai powers. You can also use dynamite, glue,
and of course, the Machines!
That's right, you don't have to kill all the alien penguins personally. You can
build and activate various lethal-to-penguin machines such as the Spike-
Shafter, the Chopper and the Grabansling to do it for you. You'll also get help
from the good Earth penguins (hooray!) occasionally. Let them roam the pathways
looking for a fight and you'll soon get one of they meet a bad guy. Oh yeah,
please try not to kill the good guys accidentally. The machines and weaponry
are just as lethal to them!
Good penguins will also try to reach the Doomscale because they can counteract
the effect of the alien penguins, so let them through if you can.
In short, kill the alien penguins, don't kill the good penguins. Stop the alien
penguins from reaching the Doomscale, but try to let the good penguins reach