Battle for Normandy
Game Description
Of course, we don't promise peace and quiet. Because when you open up this box, you'll find yourself in Normandy — on June 6: 1944 smack at the start of D-Day! Depending on your choice, you'll either lead or face the largest Allied amphibious force ever assembled. Its purpose: to smash Hitler's supposedly impregnable line of defense — the Atlantic Wall.
BATTLE FOR NORMANDY is the faithful recreation of D-Day and the 24 days that followed it. To do justice to this great World War II battle, we've made sure every important historical detail has been realistically and accurately programmed into the game.
As the Supreme Allied Commander (Eisenhower, step aside!), your task is to establish beachheads on Utah, Omaha, Juno, Gold, and Sword, consolidate them, then move out your forces to capture such strategic towns as Cherbourg and Caen.
Besides dealing with the fierce German coastal and land defenses, you are also challenged by the logistics of battle. Specifically, you must juggle your limited shipping to provide either more troops, fuel, general or combat supplies. Finding the optimum balance is difficult enough — until you realize you must also take into account the vagaries of weather. Inclement weather can turn your best-laid plans to shambles.
As commander of the German defenses (Rommel's on vacation in Germany anyway), you have your own problems to worry about. The relentless Allied naval bombardment makes it next to impossible to keep the amphibious assault pinned to the beaches. Enemy airborne drops behind your line and Allied aerial interdiction only compound your difficulties.
In any case, your hope for victory is to deploy your land forces (especially your powerful Panzer divisions) to contain the enemy and drive him back to the beaches.
For maximum flexibility and balance of play, most battle parameters can be varied. German coastal defenses can he made stronger or weaker. German reinforcements can arrive earlier or later in the game. Strength of combat units, amount of Allied supplies and severity of aerial and naval bombardment can all be changed as you see fit.
This game provides for solitaire play: the computer ably directs the German defenses.
At the very least, we can guarantee your little trip to northern France to be anything but dull!