Nine Princes in Amber
Game Description
So that was the game. They tried to kill you - and when that failed, they stuck you in a private hospital with enough drugs to keep you out cold for the rest of your life.
Well, almost enough drugs. At the moment you're awake. And none too soon. A burly attendant is about to give you your next shot.
That is, until you jump him and start your escape. But where are you going? And who put you in this hospital? And who -
And then it hits you. You've forgotten everything.
Even your own name.
All you've got is an address of some sister you don't remember. And she's the one who put you here. You suddenly, dimly remember that you never could trust her. Or the rest of your crazy family back in, where was it? Something like...
Amber! That was it! The one true, perfect world, of which all others are imperfect shadows. And you, you are a prince of Amber, fighting for the throne against your eight brothers and four sisters - all of them treacherous. Yet you must gain the support of some of them if you are to succeed. And that will be as complex and tricky a game of politics as you ever hope to play. Especially without your memory.
But, as you never doubted, it is a challenge you will meet.
To do anything else just isn't your style.