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Game Description

IRATA. A New World rich with opportunity. For wealth. And power.
And you can become the richest, most powerful inhabitant of the newly discovered planet by owning the most land, mining the most precious metal, and supplying the most food and energy to all the peasants - otherwise known as your opponents.
To win you need MULEs (Multiple Use Labor Elements), kind of mechanical donkeys which do your dirty work: growing food, mining, and producing energy. MULEs are critical, so you want to get as many as possible as cheaply as possible.
And by the way, treachery is acceptable. So use it when needed.
Then sit back and enjoy your wealth and power, OH MIGHTY RULER!

Game Information

    System: Nintendo Entertainment System
    Publisher: Mindscape
    Developer: Eastridge Technology
    Genre: Strategy
    Release Date: September 1990

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Submitted By Phillyman


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