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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/25/2009 in all areas

  1. Going a little bit more old school for today's drop-in-the-wiki-bucket: Game Informer 22 completely indexed! *huggles* Areala
    2 points
  2. http://www.apple.com/trailers/fox/avatar/teaserlarge.html Avatar - due out in December. Looks pretty sweet to me! After this, he's SUPPOSED to start work on the Battle Angel Alita/GUNNM movie. I've been waiting for that movie for about 10 years now. By the looks of this, he's back doing his old, good stuff!
    1 point
  3. I'm personally have preference by Megaupload. But the important is the files... the download method is a secondary thing
    1 point
  4. Rapidshare is fast and reliable. I don't understand why so many don't like it.
    1 point
  5. I've not played it personally, but I've heard some good stuff about Terra Est Quaestuosa (aka TEQ). It's browser-based, but as far as I can tell, it doesn't use Flash at all, it's completely browser-based. Might be worth a look... TEQ Homepage If you're looking for another way to kill a few minutes every day, you can always play Legends of Zork. The Activision crew has brought the realm of Zork into the browser-based world, and you can play with (and against) thousands of other players online. You get a limited number of turns per day, but it's been up long enough now that they've ironed out many of the bugs that plagued the launch version. No flash required, it just loads and plays in your browser. Legends of Zork Homepage And while I'm at it, I know you don't want a Flash-based game, but anybody interested in checking out a really cool visual novel that is totally and completely not safe for work (NSFW!), I encourage you to check out the Flash version of Divi-Dead as long as violence, nudity, and other things that you could see in any Rated R/18+ film don't upset you. Divi-Dead Flash Version Hope those help! *huggles* Areala
    1 point
  6. OK!! I just edit SSM 28: http://www.retromags.net/wiki/Official_Sega_Saturn_Magazine_028_-_feb_1998_%28UK%29 Hope I make a good work...
    1 point
  7. Finally a new Official Sega Saturn Magazine scan! Been a while and progress was extremely slow once I got back to editing again, but I'm slowly starting to pick up where I left off. Now lets just hope my editing skills haven't degraded too much since last time. And that all the retard pills* I needed to take haven't impaired my judgement too much. As always: enjoy! *Retard pills are the actual ones I had to take in the hospital, and yes I know what it means in french. Official Sega Saturn Magazine 032 - june 1998 (UK) Download page here. Rapidshare link
    1 point
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