Nintendo 64
Sony Playstation
Sony Playstation 2
Nintendo Game Boy
Nintendo Game Boy Color
Nintendo Gamecube
Sega Dreamcast
Mega Man X5 (PS; 8 pages)
Scooby-Doo! Classic Creep Capers (N64; 5 pages)
Theme Park Roller Coaster (PS2; 4 pages)
Banjo-Tooie (N64; 2 pages)
Dragon's Lair (GBC; 3 pages)
Razor Freestyle Scooter (PS; 6 pages)
The King of Fighters '99 (DC/PS; 5 pages)
The Grid (arcade; 1 page)
Power Up! (staff bios)
Readers' Tips (letters column)
T&T Select Games
(1-page (unless noted) game overviews with screenshots; readers would select games from this section for future strategy coverage in T&T:)
Klonoa 2: Lunatea's Veil (PS2)
(1/3rd page:)
Star Wars: Super Bombad Racing (PS2)
Floigan Brothers (DC)
Conker's Bad Fur Day (N64)
Artic Thunder (arcade)
Driving Emotion Type-S (PS2)
ATV Offroad Fury (PS2)
Mars Matrix (DC)
Zone of the Enders (PS2)
Monster Force (PS)
18 Wheeler American Pro Trucker (DC)
Adventures of Cookie & Cream (PS2)
Mat Hoffman's Pro BMX (PS)
(1/4th page:)
The Devil May Cry (PS2)
Blaster Master: Blasting Again (PS)
Planet harriers (arcade)
007 Racing (PS2)
Dragon Warrior III (GBC)
Towers II: Plight of the Stargazer (GBC)
Rhino Rumble (GBC)
Return of the Ninja (GBC)
Game Track! (upcoming releases list)
Hi Scores (high scores, best times; leaderboards)
Hint Hotlines (game tip phone number directory)
Tournament Report (3 pages; 'Midwest Marvel vs. Capcom 2 Championships!;' 'Capcom vs. SNK at Southern Hills Golfland;' 'Running Away With Storm;' 'Philadelphia Tournament Power!;' 'Windy City Marvel vs. Capcom 2 Revenge!;' 'B4 Street Fighter Tournament Video;' 'Golfland King of Fighters Battle;' tournament calendar)
Sports Desk (approx. 1/4 page (unless noted) strategy per game)
Football Midseason Update
Madden 2001 (PS2)
NFL GameDay 2001 (PS2; 1/8th page)
NHL 2001 (PS2; 1/2 page)
Hard Core (two pages of reader-submitted Armored Core designs)
Pokemon Report (3.5 pages; 'Pokemon Screen Saver;' 'Master Brain By Pelican Accessories - Editor for Pokemon Gold and Silver;' 'Pokemon Gold and Silver Update')
Japan Report! (1-page; Japanese products, games and culture)
Cool Zone (2-pages; cool products, gaming and non-gaming)
(T&T prided itself on its tip count - this issue contains over 3000 tips collected in the pages listed here, sorted by system. This issue's Codes section features a number of varied footer bars - see the full breakdown below)
Playstation 2 (1 page)
Nintendo 64 (8 pages)
Playstation (8 pages)
Game Boy (4 pages)
Dreamcast (4 pages)
GameShark (2 pages; PS/N64/GB/DC)
(Running footer bars:)
Weird Bond Bug? (The World Is Not Enough (PS) glitch)
Tips & Tricks Reader Art Gallery