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  1. 110 downloads

    @Gamer Issue 05 (December 2010)
    5 points
  2. Version 1.0.0


    Gameplay RPG Issue 71 (May 2005)
    4 points
  3. 172 downloads

    Electronic Entertainment Issue 18 (June 1995)
    3 points
  4. Version 1.0.0


    The CD-ROM included with this issue can be downloaded HERE.
    2 points
  5. 106 downloads

    I'd like to look at the review scores in this issue. In particular Mega Man 3, which got a pretty terrible total score of 23 (out of 40.) That's the same score as this issue's North & South. That's the same score as Magic John (released in the USA as Totally Rad) That's one point WORSE than freaking Die Hard. In fact, it's the lowest ranked game in the issue, except for a couple of Game Boy games (I mean, come on, they're Game Boy games, what do you expect?) So how did Mega Man 3 come to be so hated by the editors of Famitsu? The common complaint seems to be "Wah!! It's hard!" Pretty sure you'll find this game on most top 100 NES games of all time lists. IGN has it at #16. Are Westerners just gluttons for punishment, or are the editors at Famitsu just weak as when it comes to challenging games?
    1 point
  6. 204 downloads

    GameFan Volume 6 Issue 8 (August 1998)
    1 point
  7. I love these, so thank you. You always have a great balance of making a high-quality product at around 400 MB, or so. I can zoom in a good ways and it retains its quality. So many scans on Internet Database that are 600+ look very nice, but it can be a ridiculously-sized file for being only around 100 pages for an issue. I remember finding copies of a Japanese 3DO Magazine, which was awesome to see, but they were 1.1 GB each roughly, and it wasn't a big magazine (maybe 80 pages?). I don't know if these were an "uncompressed" version, with there being a smaller one also, but most of what I see around the 250-400MB range for 200 pages work fine for most purposes. Great work!
    1 point
  8. Retromags Presents! Electronic Entertainment Issue 18 (June 1995) Database Record Download Directly! Scanned By: dablais    Edited By: dablais    Uploaded By: dablais    Donated By: dablais Follow us on...                         
    1 point
  9. For all the fans of hard cover books https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/xboxera/xboxera-2nd-print-run-celebrating-20-years-of-xbox/description Make sure to pledge before 3/32 if interested. Wish they also so one for X360 Era
    1 point
  10. I got mine from the previous kickstarter.
    1 point
  11. @TresHombres I don't know if it was the absolute worst game I owned, but one of the most disappointing games I ever got as a kid was Rambo for the NES. The badass shot of Stallone firing his machine gun on the cover had me pumped for action, but then I discovered that 90% of the game is running back and forth killing snakes with a knife. So lame. But in those days, it wasn't unusual to buy a game based on its cover. It's not like you could check Nintendo Power for reviews, since there weren't any. And I didn't have any rich friends who owned tons of games so I could try them out first. Every game purchased or received as a gift was a total roll of the dice. Luckily I never had enough money of my own to buy video games as a kid, so I didn't feel the pangs of guilt over spending my own money on a stinker. But it sucked getting a terrible game for a birthday present knowing it was all you were going to be able to play until you got something else at Christmas, or vice versa. I'm convinced that this childhood dearth of games is what led me to buy ALL the games once I had a job and could afford to. Well, maybe not all the games, but let's just say that from the N64/PS1 era through to the following XBox/PS2/Gamecube era, not only did I own all those systems, but I bought so many games I still probably have at least 60 or 70 that I've never played even once. Add PC games to that and the number of games I own yet have never played is probably at least triple that. And THAT excess of wasted money is probably what led me to stop playing games altogether around 2005 or so. I've literally never laid hands on a single console or game post-Xbox/PS2/Gamecube. The last time I played any game period was when I played the original Tomb Raider on PC back in 2020. So I can safely say gaming is purely a thing in the past for me. Yet here I am, scanning mags.
    1 point
  12. When you said "...been burned buying games a LOT worse" you are correct! And heck, I didn't learn my lesson, because 4 years later in 1995, after working hard at a job, I finally saved up enough money to buy a game. And what did I buy? Did I buy Chrono Trigger? No, I spent $79.99 in 1995 money ($157 in 2024 USA Dollars) on Mega Man X2. A great, fun game that I beat in 2 days. "Why didn't I rent this?" was my question I kept asking myself. And man, you are so right. The absolute worst game I ever got, one that was so bad I felt an immense level of guilt about the money my parents spent on it, was Deadly Towers for the NES. I still feel bad about that game. It was really hard, the music was awful, it made no sense, it was just plain bad. Also 720 Degrees on the NES. A middling port of an already threadbare arcade game. And man, did I feel terrible when my sister Sharon saved up her hard earned money and bought CastleQuest for me. CQ wasn't the worst of the worst, but I just didn't like it, but I played it because I felt bad that she spent so much money on it, haha!
    1 point
  13. 179 downloads

    Super NES Holiday Shopper's Guide from EGM 51
    1 point
  14. @TresHombres I've certainly been burned buying games A LOT worse than Mega Man 3. Perhaps it puts things in perspective to say that Famitsu rated the original Mega Man one point HIGHER than Mega Man 3. And even Mega Man 2 only got a 28 out of 40 from them. I'm not a collector, but some time in the late 90s/early 00s, I walked into a Wal-Mart and there was a big discount bin where I found a $5 sealed copy of Mega Man 2. No idea what crack it had fallen into - I assume some employee found a copy that had fallen behind a shelf for ten years. But like I said, I'm no collector. And I'm not an eBay seller, either, so I bought and opened that sucker. Still, I'd happily trade it for a complete boxed copy of Maniac Mansion, no doubt.
    1 point
  15. I agree that those scores are way too low for Mega Man 3, however... I have to say Kitsune when I spent $50 of money I saved up for Mega Man 3 as a kid and it was a massive disappointment. It wasn't too hard; in fact I beat it within a day. The music was great for sure, but it was one of the biggest "Oh no, all of my money is gone" moments as a kid. "That's it? I liked Mega Man 2 better." I ended up trading it a few months later for the PC version of Maniac Mansion. Monetarily it was a terrible deal, but I still have that same boxed copy of Maniac Mansion and all of the inserts as one of my prized possessions. Personally. I'll always remember Mega Man 3 as being life lessons in both managing money and expectations, haha! On a whole, I think people recognize 3 as a good mainline Mega Man game but admit that the rushed feeling is there throughout the entire experience.
    1 point
  16. 222 downloads

    PSM Issue 119 (January 2007)
    1 point
  17. 155 downloads

    PSExtreme Issue 18 (May 1997)
    1 point
  18. Retromags Presents! GameFan Volume 6 Issue 8 (August 1998) Database Record Download Directly! Scanned By: dablais    Edited By: dablais    Uploaded By: dablais    Donated By: dablais Follow us on...                         
    1 point
  19. 176 downloads

    PSExtreme Issue 36 (November 1998)
    1 point
  20. Retromags Presents! Compute!'s Gazette Issue 007 (January 1984) Database Record Download Directly! Scanned By: dablais    Edited By: dablais    Uploaded By: dablais    Donated By: dablais Follow us on...                         
    1 point
  21. 159 downloads

    PSExtreme Issue 16 (March 1997)
    1 point
  22. 198 downloads

    PSExtreme Issue 51 (February 2000)
    1 point
  23. 220 downloads

    PSExtreme Issue 35 (October 1998)
    1 point
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