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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/02/2024 in all areas

  1. 131 downloads

    Improved kitsunebi edition! (forgive the copy/paste of this description) This is my own scan of this issue. I'm uploading it as an alternate download option - not a replacement - for the version of this mag already available here. The other version is also a nice scan, so I had no desire to replace someone else's hard work. That said, this version has some advantages that may or may not be important to you, which are outlined below should you need to decide which version is best for you. 1. This scan is higher resolution - it is saved at 3200px height vs the other version's 2200px. 2. This scan was debound using a heat gun vs. the other scan's guillotine cutting. This means that this version scanned the entire page from edge to edge, while the other version had a small portion of every page cut away before it ever entered the scanner. 3. Related to #2, this version has made efforts to have facing pages joined as seamlessly as possible when viewed in 2-page view mode. The other version really had no possibility of doing so, since both facing pages had part of the gutter side of the page cut off during debinding, leaving a portion of the center of a 2-page join missing, and thus unable to be seamlessly joined. In my opinion, the increase in resolution is of minimal importance for most users (and may even be undesirable, as it will of course increase the filesize.) The main advantages of this version are mostly apparent only when viewing in 2-page mode. When viewing in two page mode, this version is clearly superior as it shows the complete image across both pages, but if you only ever view a single page at a time, you will be unlikely to notice the fact that the other version's pages have been slightly cropped. Comparisons (note the center portion of the two page spreads) (In all comparisons, this scan is shown on top)
    6 points
  2. 154 downloads

    Tips & Tricks Video-Game Codebook Volume 17 Issue 06 (September 2010) You might see a gap between page 40 to 57. It is actually the correct numbering, the poster/miniguide that were originally included counted as page 41 to 56. So, except the fact that the poster is missing, the magazine is complete with no missing page.
    6 points
  3. 135 downloads

    Tips & Tricks Video-Game Codebook Volume 17 Issue 02 (March 2010) You might see a gap between page 40 to 57. It is actually the correct numbering the poster that was originally included counted as page 41 to 56. So, except the fact that the poster is missing, the magazine is complete with no missing page.
    4 points
  4. 49 downloads

    E-on The Official Eve-Online Magazine Issue 02 (Fall-Winter 2005-2006)
    4 points
  5. 145 downloads

    Improved kitsunebi edition! This is my own scan of this issue. I'm uploading it as an alternate download option - not a replacement - for the version of this mag already available here. The other version is also a nice scan, so I had no desire to replace someone else's hard work. That said, this version has some advantages that may or may not be important to you, which are outlined below should you need to decide which version is best for you. 1. This scan is higher resolution - it is saved at 3200px height vs the other version's 2200px. 2. This scan was debound using a heat gun vs. the other scan's guillotine cutting. This means that this version scanned the entire page from edge to edge, while the other version had a small portion of every page cut away before it ever entered the scanner. 3. Related to #2, this version has made efforts to have facing pages joined as seamlessly as possible when viewed in 2-page view mode. The other version really had no possibility of doing so, since both facing pages had part of the gutter side of the page cut off during debinding, leaving a portion of the center of a 2-page join missing, and thus unable to be seamlessly joined. In my opinion, the increase in resolution is of minimal importance for most users (and may even be undesirable, as it will of course increase the filesize.) The main advantages of this version are mostly apparent only when viewing in 2-page mode. When viewing in two page mode, this version is clearly superior as it shows the complete image across both pages, but if you only ever view a single page at a time, you will be unlikely to notice the fact that the other version's pages have been slightly cropped. Comparisons (note the center portion of the two page spreads) (In all comparisons, this scan is shown on top)
    3 points
  6. I think it's important to keep in mind that Game Informer could have ceased publication 50 years ago (THROUGH WHAT SORCERY WERE THEY REPORTING ON VIDEO GAMES?) and providing scans of their mags would still be just as illegal. What's at question isn't whether or not they're still in publication, but whether going out of publication changes their stance on being against having scans of their mags appear. Short of getting word from whoever was against it in the first place, I see no reason why their wishes would change the instant the publication goes under. I suppose you could always test the waters and hope for the best. Of course, this flurry of excitement over the possibility of sharing scans of their mag the instant its demise was announced could look a bit like a pack of gleeful vultures salivating over the still-fresh corpses of their staff's careers and livelihoods. Days after their unemployment is announced to the world might not be the most prudent time to ask "hey, so NOW can we give away all your stuff??"
    1 point
  7. 420 downloads

    Straight from Prima, the official book publishers of GamePro (according to the small print on the back cover), here's ONE THOUSAND freaking hints, tips, secrets, passwords, cart swap tricks, and other assorted nonsense from the Pros. If you've been struggling with Sonic the Hedgehog, bogged down in Beast Wrestler, stuck in Splatterhouse 2, caught up in Castle of Illusion, wrapped up in Wings of Wor, traumatized by Trampoline Terror, paused in Predator 2, grounded in Gaiares, broken by Burning Force, tripped up by Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Hyperstone Heist, agonized by After Burner II, demented by Dark Castle, pounded by Pit Fighter, thrashed by Technocop, menaced by Might and Magic, abused by Arnold Palmer Golf, outgunned in Onslaught, mystified by Mortal Kombat, dizzied by DecapAttack, harassed by Heavy Nova, crushed by Chakan the Forever Man, undone by Universal Soldier, zonked by Zombies Ate My Neighbors, shamed by Stormlord, kicked by Klax, lambasted by The Last Battle, rattled by Rolling Thunder 2, embarrassed by El Viento, or mauled in Mutant League Hockey, then maybe, just maybe, the stuff you need to win can be found in this handy-dandy booky-wook. Download it, slap that 'Like' button, and leave a comment so I can afford a new thesaurus. Enjoy!
    1 point
  8. 1 point
  9. 1 point
  10. 76 downloads

    Joystick Issue 089 (January 1998)
    1 point
  11. 145 downloads

    Tips & Tricks Video-Game Codebook Volume 15 Issue 03 (May-June 2008)
    1 point
  12. 189 downloads

    Computer Game Review Issue 32 (March 1994)
    1 point
  13. 148 downloads

    Tips & Tricks Video-Game Codebook Volume 15 Issue 05 (September-October 2008)
    1 point
  14. 97 downloads

    The Net Issue 09 (February 1996)
    1 point
  15. 199 downloads

    PC Games Vol. 03 No. 06 (June 1996)
    1 point
  16. 140 downloads

    May I present: issue 120! Also, issue 121! They're the same issue! So crazy~! (hmm, maybe Nekki's peace sign has a double meaning? Nah...) Another one of those double number issues. Such an odd practice, and one I'm glad seems limited to Famitsu, as it made the initial construction of the database quite a pain. 232 pgs
    1 point
  17. 226 downloads

    Computer Game Review Issue 37 (August 1994)
    1 point
  18. 229 downloads

    Computer Game Review Issue 43 (February 1995)
    1 point
  19. 253 downloads

    Computer Game Review Issue 03 (October 1991)
    1 point
  20. 230 downloads

    Computer Game Review Issue 02 (September 1991)
    1 point
  21. 500 downloads

    PSM Issue 16 (December 1998)
    1 point
  22. 92 downloads

    Compute!'s Gazette Issue 003 (September 1983)
    1 point
  23. 99 downloads

    Compute!'s Gazette Issue 002 (August 1983)
    1 point
  24. 153 downloads

    Compute!'s Gazette Issue 001 (July 1983)
    1 point
  25. 260 downloads

    PSExtreme Issue 13 (December 1996)
    1 point
  26. 444 downloads

    PSM Issue 13 (September 1998)
    1 point
  27. 248 downloads

    PSExtreme Issue 52 (March 2000)
    1 point
  28. 246 downloads

    Pocket Games Issue 5 (Winter 2001)
    1 point
  29. 213 downloads

    Pocket Games Issue 11 (Spring 2003)
    1 point
  30. 224 downloads

    Pocket Games Issue 4 (Fall 2000)
    1 point
  31. 233 downloads

    Pocket Games Issue 3 (Summer 2000)
    1 point
  32. Retromags Presents! Pocket Games Issue 3 (Summer 2000) Database Record Download Directly! Scanned By: Phillyman Edited By: E-Day Uploaded By: E-Day Donated By: Phillyman Follow us on...
    1 point
  33. 154 downloads

    Games for Windows Issue 15 (February 2008)
    1 point
  34. 141 downloads

    Games for Windows Issue 12 (November 2007)
    1 point
  35. 234 downloads

    Computer Game Review Issue 018 (January 1993) *missing ad page*
    1 point
  36. 218 downloads

    Computer Games Strategy Plus Issue 88 (March 1998)
    1 point
  37. 85 downloads

    First news about the Xbox reveal (still over a year away from launching.) I imagine the editors of this magazine were some of the only people in Japan looking forward to it. They might have been the only people in Japan to BUY it as well. OK, that's an exaggeration. Play Online only has 4 editors, and I believe there were around 7 or 8 Xboxes sold in Japan.
    1 point
  38. 253 downloads

    Diddy Kong Racing - Prima's Unauthorized Guide (1997)
    1 point
  39. 240 downloads

    VideoGames & Computer Entertainment Issue 39 (April 1992)
    1 point
  40. 213 downloads

    Computer Game Review Issue 34 (May 1994)
    1 point
  41. 402 downloads

    You know what this is. I know what this is. You know you're going to download it. I know you're going to download it. Volume 1 of Prima's Nintendo Game Boy Secrets is Rusel DeMaria and Zach Meston doing the thing they did for Nintendo NES games, Super NES games, and Sega Genesis games, only for (wait for it) the Nintendo Game Boy! See? I didn't even have to write that. You didn't have to read it. But I did. And you did. Now, download the file, pay your tribute to your Retromags Goddess by smacking that 'Thanks' button like you're trying to smack the batteries out of your portable system, and prepare for the next release in the "Secrets of the Game" series, coming soon from my bookshelves.
    1 point
  42. 165 downloads

    Computer Games Strategy Plus Issue 98 (January 1999)
    1 point
  43. 250 downloads

    VideoGames & Computer Entertainment Issue 44 (September 1992)
    1 point
  44. 214 downloads

    Tips & Tricks Video-Game Codebook Volume 06 Issue 07 (1999)
    1 point
  45. 189 downloads

    Tips & Tricks Video-Game Codebook Volume 11 Issue 06 (2004)
    1 point
  46. Game Informer has closed down. The last issue was their final one. They had the next issue about 70% complete but it's highly likely it won't be released.
    0 points
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