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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/03/2024 in all areas

  1. 152 downloads

    Computer Games Magazine Issue 116 (July 2000)
    6 points
  2. Retromags Presents! Game Informer Issues 1-260 (1991-2014) Download Torrent File Download Individually from our Download Manger Scanned By: bogusfrank Edited By: bogusfrank Uploaded By: bogusfrank Donated By: bogusfrank Follow us on...
    5 points
  3. 126 downloads

    It's so weird reading reviews of PC games during this era and hearing people complain about how the PC graphics pale compared to the console version. I've been out of the gaming scene for...most of this millennium, but it it still like that now? I remember when the PC was the system to beat...
    5 points
  4. I will write a script that will upload each file to a hidden category. It will not post 260 of these to the front page. I will make 1 entry when all 260 issues are in place and ready. 1 release per minute, 260.......you do the math
    4 points
  5. OMG! Thank you soooo much Phillyman, Bogusfrank and anyone else who worked on it as I am sure it took a lot over the years to put this together. I can't believe it was all done and just waiting to be uploaded. I am so happy right now and I hope you know how much this will be appreciated by the many fans of the magazine, especially as we mourn its passing today. Great job!!
    3 points
  6. Looking at everything on that list, it would seem that Game Informer was indeed the last USA mag (of original content) to be sold in stores, though there are still one or two indie mags that can be bought directly from the publisher. And there's always PC Gamer USA, I guess, but that's just a half-assed truncated reprint of the UK mag, so why would anyone want it?
    2 points
  7. Game Informer shut down, its a grim day. I decided to make it a bit better. I saw a bunch of people mobilizing to start preserving these. But I knew bogusfrank had already completed it a few years back and we were just unable to host them.
    2 points
  8. 131 downloads

    Improved kitsunebi edition! (forgive the copy/paste of this description) This is my own scan of this issue. I'm uploading it as an alternate download option - not a replacement - for the version of this mag already available here. The other version is also a nice scan, so I had no desire to replace someone else's hard work. That said, this version has some advantages that may or may not be important to you, which are outlined below should you need to decide which version is best for you. 1. This scan is higher resolution - it is saved at 3200px height vs the other version's 2200px. 2. This scan was debound using a heat gun vs. the other scan's guillotine cutting. This means that this version scanned the entire page from edge to edge, while the other version had a small portion of every page cut away before it ever entered the scanner. 3. Related to #2, this version has made efforts to have facing pages joined as seamlessly as possible when viewed in 2-page view mode. The other version really had no possibility of doing so, since both facing pages had part of the gutter side of the page cut off during debinding, leaving a portion of the center of a 2-page join missing, and thus unable to be seamlessly joined. In my opinion, the increase in resolution is of minimal importance for most users (and may even be undesirable, as it will of course increase the filesize.) The main advantages of this version are mostly apparent only when viewing in 2-page mode. When viewing in two page mode, this version is clearly superior as it shows the complete image across both pages, but if you only ever view a single page at a time, you will be unlikely to notice the fact that the other version's pages have been slightly cropped. Comparisons (note the center portion of the two page spreads) (In all comparisons, this scan is shown on top)
    1 point
  9. Thanks for this, I'm so excited to read some of these older issues! I was a subscriber from about 1998-2006 or so, but I never got a chance to see what the earlier ones looked like.
    1 point
  10. Surprising they went as long as they did, what with all news and reviews online now, for better or for worse. I grabbed a couple recent issues of PC Gamer, they we're fine, but I was struck but how much of a skeleton crew it is. I guess that makes sense, if it's just the UK edition retreaded.
    1 point
  11. Personaly, I’m subcribed to Pure Nintendo, Old School Gamer and Nintendo Force. They offer a print version but I only get the digital. All 3 US based. And like kitsunebi mentioned, the main one still standing is PC Gamer, but for how long… dablais
    1 point
  12. The Video Game History Foundation wrote something about this in 2019. It's mostly indie magazines dedicated to niche topics in the U.S. https://gamehistory.org/every-english-language-video-game-magazine/
    1 point
  13. yeah I was out getting a haircut and lunch today.....@E-day hits me up and is like Game Informer is finished. I was like oh cool, bogusfrank is still keeping up with preserving new issues? E-day was like, No I mean the magazine is defunct now! Me:
    1 point
  14. Are there any other American Gaming magazines still in publication or was Game Informer the last one?
    1 point
  15. We have the rest preserved as well, but our 10 year hold still stands. Look for the next 12 issues come Jan 1st
    1 point
  16. Game Informer sadly went belly up today, so they probably don't have a lot of say in the matter anymore.
    1 point
  17. This is great! Thank you so much for making these available!
    1 point
  18. So what's the deal exactly with the individual downloads? Will every issue be getting its own new release post? If so, any idea how long it will take to finish them all? Also, Doomguy2000, you've got your work cut out for you, bro. Get to scrapin'!
    1 point
  19. Get this! Game Informer has been around since fall 1991. 33 years? What a lifespan. So long it outlasted others including Nintendo Power and GamePro and even EGM before it. Sad to hear about what's happening to it though.
    1 point
  20. I think it's important to keep in mind that Game Informer could have ceased publication 50 years ago (THROUGH WHAT SORCERY WERE THEY REPORTING ON VIDEO GAMES?) and providing scans of their mags would still be just as illegal. What's at question isn't whether or not they're still in publication, but whether going out of publication changes their stance on being against having scans of their mags appear. Short of getting word from whoever was against it in the first place, I see no reason why their wishes would change the instant the publication goes under. I suppose you could always test the waters and hope for the best. Of course, this flurry of excitement over the possibility of sharing scans of their mag the instant its demise was announced could look a bit like a pack of gleeful vultures salivating over the still-fresh corpses of their staff's careers and livelihoods. Days after their unemployment is announced to the world might not be the most prudent time to ask "hey, so NOW can we give away all your stuff??"
    1 point
  21. maybe we can start adding these now to RM
    1 point
  22. 154 downloads

    Tips & Tricks Video-Game Codebook Volume 17 Issue 06 (September 2010) You might see a gap between page 40 to 57. It is actually the correct numbering, the poster/miniguide that were originally included counted as page 41 to 56. So, except the fact that the poster is missing, the magazine is complete with no missing page.
    1 point
  23. 76 downloads

    Joystick Issue 089 (January 1998)
    1 point
  24. 189 downloads

    Computer Game Review Issue 32 (March 1994)
    1 point
  25. 199 downloads

    PC Games Vol. 03 No. 06 (June 1996)
    1 point
  26. 225 downloads

    Computer Game Review and CD-ROM Entertainment Issue 29 (December 1993)
    1 point
  27. 255 downloads

    Computer Game Review and CD-ROM Entertainment Issue 049 (August 1995)
    1 point
  28. 76 downloads

    Compute!'s Gazette Issue 009 (March 1984)
    1 point
  29. 251 downloads

    Tips & Tricks Issue 005 - May 1995
    1 point
  30. 137 downloads

    The review crew was working overtime with this issue -- 77 games reviewed! Part of that is the Super Famicom launch titles, with F-Zero as the top-rated game, handily outscoring Super Mario World, 37 to 34 (out of 40). I dunno. F-Zero is good, but I think they may have done the same thing the Western press did at the SNES launch and underestimate the quality of Mario Word simply because its graphics weren't flashy enough for the launch of a "next gen" system. I personally spent a lot more time and got more enjoyment out of clearing every level of SMW than I did finishing F-Zero, even if F-Zero is the clear winner when it comes to visceral thrills.
    1 point
  31. 664 downloads

    Super Mario RPG - Legend of the Seven Stars - Nintendo Player's Guide (1996) Not part of that Player's Guide, but related to the game: Super Mario RPG poster from Nintendo Power https://archive.org/details/super-mario-rpg-poster/Super Mario RPG Poster.jpg Cards from Nintendo Power Magazines https://archive.org/details/super-mario-rpg-poster/Super Mario RGP Cards 1-4 (Front).jpg https://archive.org/details/super-mario-rpg-poster/Super Mario RGP Cards 1-4 (Back).jpg https://archive.org/details/super-mario-rpg-poster/Super Mario RGP Cards 5-8 (Front).jpg https://archive.org/details/super-mario-rpg-poster/Super Mario RGP Cards 5-8 (Back).jpg
    1 point
  32. 161 downloads

    Tips & Tricks Video-Game Codebook Volume 17 Issue 05 (July 2010) NOTE: Page 15 and 16 are overcropped.
    1 point
  33. 180 downloads

    Tips & Tricks Video-Game Codebook Volume 13 Issue 06 (2006)
    1 point
  34. 180 downloads

    Tips & Tricks Video-Game Codebook Volume 12 Issue 12 (2005)
    1 point
  35. 186 downloads

    Tips & Tricks Video-Game Codebook Volume 10 Issue 06 (2003)
    1 point
  36. 215 downloads

    Computer Game Review Issue 056 (March 1996)
    1 point
  37. 187 downloads

    Computer Games Strategy Plus Issue 77 (April 1997)
    1 point
  38. Game Informer has closed down. The last issue was their final one. They had the next issue about 70% complete but it's highly likely it won't be released.
    0 points
  39. Sad news. And removing all of the contents on the website too? Brutal.
    0 points
  40. Yeah sad news! https://www.gameinformer.com/
    0 points
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