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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/03/2024 in all areas

  1. 53 downloads

    SuperGame Issue 01 (July 1991)
    4 points
  2. 140 downloads

    Computer Games Strategy Plus Issue 36 (November 1993)
    1 point
  3. No need thanking me, that sales figure chart appears in every single issue. The line graph numbers reflect that week's sales (perks of being a weekly mag), but it also includes the cumulative sales to date for each system. For example, in the image I posted above, you can see that at that time, the 360's sales to date in Japan were 1,610,984. Of the systems listed there, the one with the most cumulative sales is the PSP, with 19,644,031. Though check back in a couple of years and I'm sure that was surpassed by the 3DS, which already had 15,196,816 sales at this point. What's interesting about this is, I just compared some of these sales numbers to the data listed on console sales on Wikipedia, and <SHOCK!!!> Wikipedia is wrong. They claim their data comes from Famitsu, but the numbers are wrong and they list dates for Famitsu issues on which no issues were published. Thank goodness we have scans so we can rely on hard printed data and not whatever some random guy on the internet typed in without double-checking.
    1 point
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