It's been a while since we've had one of these double-number issues of Famitsu, so for anyone out there who's confused, here's a brief explanation. This is a single issue that is counted as two. The preceding issue is numbered 1358 (December 25, 2014), and the following issue is numbered 1361 (January 15, 2015), making this issue #1359/1360. This sort of thing happens 3 or 4 times per year. It doesn't mean that the double issues are double length. Sometimes they're longer than average, sometimes not (this issue is 280 pages, which isn't unusually long for Famitsu.)
What it DOES mean is that the staff took a vacation. As you can imagine, turning out over 1000 pages of magazine per month is nothing to sneeze at (especially when you consider that Western mags were typically producing less than 100 pages of content per month), so a few times per year, the staff would be...ALLOWED TO SLEEP!!! This particular mag came out around New Years, which is the biggest holiday in Japan. Everything shuts down for 5 days or so while everyone stays home to celebrate with their families (its closest Western equivalent would be Christmas.) So every year around this time, Famitsu releases a "double issue" so that its staff can enjoy the holiday like the rest of the country.
But since this is Famitsu WEEKLY, I guess they don't want to break the illusion by having less than 52 issues per year, so whenever they skip a week, they just add an extra issue number to make up for it. So since this issue was on newsstands for two weeks, it gets two issue numbers. Kind of dumb, and definitely a pain in the ass when I was first putting together the database, but that's the way it is. Now you know, and yadayadayadaYOJOE.