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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/09/2025 in all areas

  1. 68 downloads

    Before writing in this box, I always do a quick flip-through of the mag and comment on whatever happens to strike my fancy, so to speak. This time, it was Bruce Willis. Bruce's rugged bald pate from the ad for his PS1 masterpiece, Apocalypse, really stood out from the rest of the ads, not to mention the rest of the games featured in the mag. It's just so...Western. Not that Apocalypse is the ONLY Western game to appear in this issue, but the other one is Crash Racing, and that's just cute enough to almost pass as a Japanese game. But Bruce can't be bothered with cuteness, he's too busy blowing $@^& up. Yippee kay yay, mother trucker.
    2 points
  2. 146 downloads

    Edge Issue 76 (October 1999)
    1 point
  3. 131 downloads

    PCGames (September-October 1990)
    1 point
  4. 187 downloads

    PC Games Vol. 03 No. 09 (September 1996)
    1 point
  5. 779 downloads

    Video Games & Computer Entertainment Issue 01 (December 1988)
    1 point
  6. 357 downloads

    This scan was made for everyone, so please download it, share it with your friends and enjoy! If you share this scan elsewhere, please say that the file is from Retromags, where you can download it for free. Magazine preservation is for everyone. Thank you! このスキャンは皆のために作ったので、ぜひダウンロードして、友達に伝いて、楽しんでください!もしほかのところでこのスキャンを分け合ったら、そこで「このファイルはRetromagsからで、そこでタダでダウンロードすることできる」と伝いて下さい。雑誌電子化は皆のために。よろしくお願いします! PS: Please don't upload this file to the Internet Archive. K thnx bye!
    1 point
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