ISSUE: 0Content
Made in Canada:
- Sony Computer Entertainment's PlayNation/Retailer Tour
- Painkiller goes south (Cyberathlete Professional League [CPL] championships)
- Strategy First enters MMORPG market (Vendetta Online [PC]
E3 2004:
Handheld previews
- Nintendo DS
- N-Gage QD
Game previews
- God of War (PlayStation 2)
- Hot Shots Golf: Fore! (PlayStation 2)
- Killzone (PlayStation 2)
- Gran Turismo 4 (PlayStation 2)
- Doom 3 (Xbox)
- Fable (Xbox)
- Jade Empire (Xbox)
- Forza Motorsport (Xbox)
- Tron 2.0: Killer App (Game Boy Advance)
- Mario vs. Donkey Kong (Game Boy Advance)
- Pathway to Glory (N-Gage preview)
- The Sims Bustin' Out (N-Gage)
- The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures (GameCube)
- Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (GameCube)
- Van Helsing (PlayStation 2)
- Shrek 2 (PlayStation 2)
- The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay (Xbox)
- Driver 3 (Xbox)
Includes the first seven pages of Dreamwave's Custom Robo comic
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