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Appli Style

アプリスタイル (Appli Style - "appli" is short for "application") covers mobile games. It was published irregularly from Vol.1 (Jan.2011) to Vol.11 (November 2012), after which it relaunched as a monthly publication (月刊アプリスタイル, or "Monthly Appli Style"), beginning with issue 1 in February 2013.


  1. 11
  2. Appli Style Qun

    This is a spin-off of Appli Style which focuses on mobile games aimed at girls. It lasted 10 issues before being re-launched as Otome Style.
  3. Otome Style

    Otome Style is the successor of Appli Style Qun and focuses on mobile games aimed at women and girls (Otome is another pronunciation of the kanji for shoujo and has the same meaning.)
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