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Famitsu App Issue 25.5 extra issue

ISSUE: 25Content

This issue is unnumbered and labeled as "別冊" (extra issue).  It is included here as issue 25.5 because it was released between issues 25 and 26 and is no different in content than any normal issue and the only reason it was unnumbered was due to a policy change by the magazine publisher. (please see following explanation)

Prior to this issue, Famitsu App had alternated between iPhone and Adroid coverage issue by issue.  Presumably, they planned to continue this pattern, and since the issue before this one (issue 25) also featured Android coverage, they released this issue as an unnumbered "extra issue" so that issue 26 would feature iPhone coverage.  However, shortly after this issue was published, Famitsu App decided to switch to Android coverage exclusively, making the "extra issue" numbering of this issue an unnecessary act.  So although it is actually the true 26th issue, it is listed here as issue 25.5 so as not to create a discrepancy with the issue numbers printed on the covers.

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    Title: Famitsu App Issue 25.5 extra issue
    Month: October
    Year: 2015
    Publisher: Enterbrain
    Country: Japan
    Language: Japanese
    Votes: 0

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