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Pasocom Paradise

パソコンパラダイス (Pasocom Paradise) was Japan's first magazine to specialize in coverage of adult games for personal computers. It was launched in August 1991 as a bimonthly, switching to monthly publication in April 1993. The final issue was published in 2015.


  1. Pasocom Paradise Sōshūhen

    Pasocom Paradise 総集編 (summary compilation) is a regularly published mook (magazine format, but kept in print for a longer period of time like a book) which reprinted articles from the regular Pasocom Paradise magazine issues.
  2. 8
  3. PasoPara

    Essentially Pasocom Paradise 2.0, after Pasocom Paradise's monthly magazine ceased publication, it was revived in 2014 as a series of mooks under the abbreviated title of PasoPara. A total of 5 volumes were published.
  4. Newdie

    Newdie was a companion mag to Pasocom Paradise which focused mainly on strategy guides for adult PC games. It ran for four issues.
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