ISSUE: 25Content
- Shaq Fu
- Kick Off 3: European Challenge
- The Cyberpunk Collection (Anime video)
- Manga Mania (Magazine)
- Syndicate (SNES, Jaguar)
- .net (Internet magazine)
- Adventures of Yogi Bear
- The Future Entertainment Show (Convention)
- Ultimate Future Games (Video game magazine)
- GamesMaster (Video game magazine)
- Casio My Magic Diary (Electronic diary)
- TOTAL! (Video game magazine)
- Pro Action Replay MK2 (Adaptor)
- Mickey Mania
"Konami Kartoon Kapers" (Konami video games)
- Sparkster
- Tiny Toon Adventures: ACME All-Stars (Mega Drive)
- Tiny Toon Adventures: Wild & Wacky Sports
- Animaniacs (SNES, Mega Drive)
(All games are for the SNES unless noted)
- From the Big Chair (Issue summary and Nintendo's actions)
- Street Fighter II Turbo
- Donkey Kong Country
- Super Play Comment (Nintendo's SFIIT decision may be too slow)
Live From Hell City
- Boldly Going? (Japan and space)
- Japanese for Beginners (Japanese phrases)
- Jig Jig (Win Konami Jigsaw puzzles)
[*]Dirt Trax FX
[*]International Superstar Soccer
[*]Kick Off 3: European Challenge
[*]Fantasy Quest
- Secret of Mana
- Chrono Trigger
- And in the Blue Corner (Dragon Quest VI: Realms of Revelation)
[*]Fantasy Quest Special
- Final Fantasy III (VI)
[*]Net Magazine Launched (An internet magazine is being launched)
[*]Competition Winners (Issue 24)
[*]Anime World
- Sub Standards (Subtitles vs dubbing)
[*]Busy Busy Busy (Acclaim will release lots of games, will help with the Batman Forever movie and are creating Turok: Dinosaur Hunter for N64)
- Samurai Spirits
- Libble Rabble
[*]It's... the Super Quiz!
[*]Micro Machines
[*]Super Play Guide to Buying Mail Order
[*]The Interactive Cheat Revolution is Here (Datel Key Pad Action Terminal)
[*]Famicom Earth World '94 (Convention)
- Mega Man X2
- The Great Circus Mystery Starring Mickey & Minnie
- Demon's Crest
- Breath of Fire II
- Captain Commando
- Kirby's Tee Shot (Kirby's Dream Course)
- Mother 2
- Super Tetris 3
[*]Ultimate Future Games (New video game magazine)
[*]Super Play Needs You! (Super Play is hiring)
[*]Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure
[*]Old Game... Here! (The original Pitfall game will be included in The Mayan Adventure)
[*]The Future Entertainment Show: It's Coming Soon!
- Street Racer
- The Adventures of Batman & Robin
- Sparkster
- Jelly Boy
- Tiny Toon Adventures: Wild & Wacky Sports
- The Smurfs
- Super Godzilla
- Double Dragon V: The Shadow Falls
- Super Ninja Kun
- Brain Lord
- The Death and Return of Superman
- Mortal Kombat II
- Super Street Fighter II
Ask Allan: Invaluable Monthly Gaming Advice
- F-Zero
- Soul Blazer
- Super Metroid
- Jurassic Park
- Secret of Mana
- Lagoon
- Final Fantasy II (IV)
[*]Fatal Fury
[*]Super Metroid
[*]Super Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back
[*]Dragon Ball Z: Super Butoden 2
[*]Action Replay Codes
- Super Street Fighter II
- Rock 'n' Roll Racing
- Super Metroid
- Desert Fighter
- Sunset Riders
[*]Secret of Mana
[*]Secret of Mana Track Listing (The music in SoM)
[*]Game Genie Codes
- Super Metroid
[*]Top Three Most Wanted Tips
- Super Street Fighter II
- Mortal Kombat II
- Super Bomberman 2
[*]Sonic Blast Man
[*]Joe & Mac 2: Lost in the Tropics
[*]Hot Shots (Gaming records)
[*]Final Fantasy
- Stunt Race FX
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