ISSUE: 30Content
- Nintendo 64
- Virtual Boy
- Pro Action Replay MK2 (Adaptor)
- Clayfighter 2: Judgment Clay
- EDGE (Video game magazine)
- Ultimate Future Games (Video game magazine)
- GamesMaster (Video game magazine)
- TOTAL! (Video game magazine)
- International Superstar Soccer
(All video games are for the SNES unless noted)
- From the Big Chair (A new magazine editor)
Nintendo Goes Orbital... (Nintendo Satellaview)
- Techy Bits (Satellaview technology)
- Super Famicom Broadcasting (The Satellaview broadcasting)
- The Other Players (Third-party supporters)
[*]Konami Take It Easy (Konami will release fewer games for the SNES in the near future)
[*]Play CDs on the SNES (Koei SNES accessory enables the Super Famicom to play music CDs)
[*]Konami Classics (Konami games ignored by the UK)
- The Legend of the Mystical Ninja
- Assault Suits Valken (Cybernator)
[*]Nichibutstu Arcade Classics
[*]Jungle Strike
[*]Super Turrican 2
[*]Fantasy Quest
- Ys V: Ushinawareta Sunano Miyako Kefin
- Energy Breaker
The American Scene Elsewhere In the West (RPG and strategy games for release in the US the next six months)
- Aquatallion (Secret of the Stars)
- Big Sky Trooper
- Brandish
- Brimstone
- Chrono Trigger
- Civilization
- Dragon View
- Earthbound
- Energy Breaker
- First Queen
- Genghis Khan II: Clan of the Gray Wolf
- Shin Megami Tensei if... (Unreleased in the west)
- Lufia II: Rise of the Sinistrals
- Might & Magic III: Isles of Terra
- Obitus
- Ogre Battle: The March of the Black Queen
- Romance of the Three Kingdoms IV: Wall of Fire
- Secret of Evermore
- Secret of Mana II (Seiken Densetsu 3, unreleased in the west)
- 7th Saga 2 (Mystic Ark, unreleased in the west)
- SimCity 2000
- Worlds of Ultima: The Savage Empire (Unreleased in the west)
[*]Lady Stalker: Challenge From the Past
[*]Top Gear 3000
[*]Donkey Pirates Ahoy! (Nintendo sues Samsung over pirating Donkey Kong Country)
[*]Super Play Cartography (Video gaming terminology)
[*]Win: Super Drop Zone / Laser Quest (Win copies of the game)
[*]Anime World
- Gainax Greats (Gainax anime production house)
[*]Ultra 64: The Future (Nintendo 64 won't appear in Europe in 1995)
[*]Video View (A Nintendo 64 commercial)
[*]The End of the Cartridge? (Will the large Nintendo 64 games lead to a CD-based console instead?)
[*]The Story So Far (Nintendo 64 and Virtual Boy history summary)
[*]Porky Pies! (Nintendo 64 may not be as good as a SGI workstation)
[*]Killer Instinct (Nintendo 64)
[*]Killer Intinct Cheats!
[*]Live From Hell City
- Kosupa in Gold! (cosplay in Japan)
[*]Super Play Guide to Buying Mail Order
[*]It's...the Super Quiz
- Viva Le Mega Man (Two upcoming Mega Man games and an animated series)
- Mega Numerology (Mega Man X/7 confusion)
- Mega Toons (The animated series)
- Mega Man 7
- Mega Man X2
- Killer Instinct Ultra 64 Special (Preview)
- SeaQuest DSV
- Ghoul Patrol
- International Superstar Soccer
- True Lies
- Indiana Jones' Greatest Adventures
- Super Star Wars: The Return of the Jedi
- NBA Jam: Tournament Edition
- Super Morph
- Street Racer
Ask Allan: Invaluable Monthly Gaming Advice
- Street Racer
- The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
- Final Fantasy III (VI)
- Starwing
- Super Street Fighter II
- Secret of Mana
[*]Young Merlin
[*]Super Star Wars: The Return of the Jedi
[*]Earthworm Jim
[*]Desert Fighter
[*]The Great Circus Mystery Starring Mickey & Minnie
[*]Exhaust Heat 2
[*]Mickey Mania
[*]The Lion King
[*]Most Wanted Tips
- Donkey Kong Country
- International Superstar Soccer
- Unirally
[*]Action Replay Codes
- Super Bomberman 2
- The Lion King
- Rise of the Robots
- Donkey Kong Country
- Super Street Fighter II
[*]Demon's Crest
[*]Shaq Fu
[*]Super Bomberman
[*]Stunt Race FX
Top 5 Film Licenses
- Jurassic Park
- Super Star Wars
- Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story
- The Lion King
- Street Fighter II
[*]Top 5 Product Placements
- Cool Spot
- Chester Cheetah: Too Cool to Fool
- Zool
- Super James Pond
- Pushover
- Final Fantasy Forum (Send in anything FFVI related)
- Profiles (How to get Shadow in FFVI)
- Final Challenge (An unbeatable monster in FFVI?)
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